Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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";46 "WOTTON EEINFKEDknew what to make <strong>of</strong> this adventure. They examinedand re-examined the locket, they questioned andre- questioned the waiter, and all to little purpose.Except that it had been found about six weeksago, on a mountain road at some fifteen miles distance,he could tell them nothing. Wotton, in particular,with the vague imagination, which at suchan age a smaller circumstance will excite, could nothelp feeling an unusual interest in the matter, anddetermined if possible at no rate to part with thiscopy <strong>of</strong> himself, which chance had sohim.strangely sent'This trinket is not mine,' said he to the waiter,* yet I question whether you are like to meet with anyone who has a better right to it. I will leave you myaddress, and money to the full amount for the finderif the picture be ever claimed, you will know where itis to be had ; for in the meantime you must let metake it with me.'The man made littleobjection, and in return forthe deposit <strong>of</strong> a few guineas the toy was formally madeover. For the rest <strong>of</strong> the evening it formed betweenour friends the chief topic <strong>of</strong> conversation, whichindeed on Wotton's part was keptspirit.up with no greatHis mind was hunting over all its domains forsome trace <strong>of</strong> a solution to the mystery, or buildingon this slender basis all manner <strong>of</strong> castles in the air.He could not recollect that he had ever sat to anypainter, and who was this that had so daintily limned

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