Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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;WOTTON EEINFEED 35but he was not as other men ; did not a curse hangover him ? had not his Hfe been a cup <strong>of</strong> bitternessfrom the beginning ? Thus in timid pride he withdrewwithin his own fastnesses, where, baited by athousand dark spectres, he saw himself as if constrainedto renounce in unspeakable sadness thefahest hopes <strong>of</strong> existence. And now how sweet, how'ravishing the contradiction ! She has looked on*thee ! cried he ;'she, the fairest, noblest ; she doesnot despise thee ; her dark eyes smiled on thee ; herhand was in thine ; some figure <strong>of</strong> thee was in hersoul !'Storms <strong>of</strong> transport rushed through hisheart as he recalled this scene, and sweetest intimationsthat he also was a man, that for him also unutterablejoys had been provided.Day after day he saw and heard his fair Jane ; dayafter day drank rapture from her <strong>words</strong> and looks.She sang to him, she played to him; they talkedtogether, in gaiety and earnestness, unfolding theirseveral views <strong>of</strong> human life, and ever as it seemedglancing afar <strong>of</strong>f at a holy though forbidden theme.Never had Wotton such an audience ;never was finethought or noble sentiment so rewarded as by theglance <strong>of</strong> those dark eyes, by the gleam which kindledover that s<strong>of</strong>t and spirit-speaking face.In her, hourafter hour, a fairer and fairer soul unveiled itself ; asoul <strong>of</strong> quickest vision and gracefullest expression, sogay yet so enthusiastic, soblandishing yet so severea being all gentleness and fire ; meek, timid, loving

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