Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

Last words of Thomas Carlyle - Warburg Institute

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200 LETTEES WKITTEN BY THOMAS CAHLYLE TOTapferkeit, their characteristic according to Goethe,deserves to do it.^With true esteem, with thanks and affectionatewishes, I subscribe myself in hopes <strong>of</strong> meeting againsome time, my dear Sir,Heartily yours<strong>Thomas</strong> Carlylb.IILondon : March 10, 1838.My dear Sir,—Some two months ago Iwrote toyou in grateful tho' late acknowledgment <strong>of</strong> your twovolumes <strong>of</strong> ' Denkwiirdigkeiten,' which work I hadthen read, as others here have since done, with greatsatisfaction.The bearer <strong>of</strong> this note is Mr. Woodhouse, aworthy English gentleman, proceeding, towardsVienna ; desirous <strong>of</strong> knowing what is best in Germanyand among the Germans. Permit me torecommend him to you. He is a stranger toDeutschland as yet, but deserves to know itbetter.Perhaps if Dr. Mundt is still in Berlin, he could,for my sake, be <strong>of</strong> some furtherance in this matter. Atall events, please to accept, thro' Mr. Woodhouse, mysalutations and hearty assurances <strong>of</strong> continued regard.Believe me always, yours with true esteem,<strong>Thomas</strong> Carlylb.'Compare with this the letter to Froude written in September 1870(Tiwinas <strong>Carlyle</strong>, a History <strong>of</strong> his Life in London, 1834-1881. ByJames Anthony Froude, London, 1884, vol. ii. p. 400).

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