CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera:Plutellidae), are strong runners-up. Resistance to synthetic pesticide POISONS will continue to increase inpest species, but not in people who are exposed to these dangerous toxins. At some point, resistance makesfarming uneconomical. Eventually, in order to survive, man will have to think rather than apply ever-increasingamounts of pesticide POISONS and use the safe and far more effective controls in this free IPM manual and/or find other alternatives. See also Immunity. A Friend of the Author in an Israel kibbutz said when he beganfarming he had to spray maybe once after planting before harvest; now he has to spray over 40 times! In January2010 the Grand Rapids Press noted Norway had controlled MRSA (see Chapter 41) by simply not routinelyprescribing antibiotics.Resistant Species - Often increase the quality of the crop. <strong>The</strong>se species can even decrease insect populationsin adjacent fields or yards. When insect pests feed on resistant species of plants they are often less vigorousand are more easily killed by natural controls, e.g., beneficials and adverse weather and/or other environmentalstresses.Resistant Varieties - You can simply avoid many plant diseases and pest species by growing only resistantplant species.Resolve to Persist until You Succeed - Never, never, never give up; unleash your stamina and mind andcreatifvity. Continue on!Results never lie.Review - Never stop reviewing your IPM strategies, especially your failures to see how you can better and moresafely control various pest problems.Rhubarb - Soak 3 pounds of rhubarb leaves in 1 gallon of water (in the dark) for at least 24 hours. Bring thewater to a boil, let simmer for 30 minutes - add 1 oz. of liquid soap and/or soap flakes - cool and spray therhubarb mix - it’s fun to see how many different pests, e.g., aphids, Japanese beetles, June bugs and fungaldiseases, this natural spray will control. Be careful; oxalic acid is harmful to you, too! If ingested, yourheart will stop and you will die!Right Stuff ® - Clean per the label with this stuff and insect pests die quickly.Rinse-and-Vacs and or Vacuums - <strong>The</strong> quickest and most effective way to remove pests, debris and food isto vacuum or rinse-and-vac. Do not forget to put Safe Solutions Tweetmint Enzyme Cleaners in the water and/or dust (corn starch or talcum powder) in the dry vac to kill the captured insects.Risk - Always consider the risk to non-target species; everything you do creates some degree of risk.Road Dust - will kill insect pests, e.g., striped cucumber beetles and cabbage worms.Robber Flies - Maggots live in soil or decaying wood and feed on beetle larvae. <strong>The</strong> adults come in variousbody styles and are voracious predators that catch flies, beetles, bees and grasshoppers by dropping down onthem from above. <strong>The</strong>y usually have bearded faces and are very strong.Rodent Baits - See baits containing artificial sweetners/pain killers.Rodent Traps - <strong>The</strong>y can be used to control rodents without resorting to the use of dangerous poisons, but still,be careful.Roofing Paper - Sticky bands of roofing paper wrapped around trees will prevent the ascent of ants, worms,caterpillars and other pests or will allow you to remove or turn the paper and control any pests hiding under theroofing paper.Rooibus - (pronounced “Roy-Bose”), a plant native to South African plant, has started to gain popularity throughoutthe world for its significant health benefits. From 1999-2001, consumption increased by 500%. Rooibos contains450

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