CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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Film Capsule - <strong>The</strong> plastic capsule in which 35 mm film is packaged can be made into a liquid ant bait stationby drilling a 1/4” or smaller hole as close to the lip edge as possible on opposite sides. <strong>The</strong> capsule is thenfilled with 2/3’s of an ounce of 83% apple juice, 16% honey or light Karo syrup and 1% disodium octoboratetetrahydrate to just below the punch holes. Snap the lid in place and quickly invert the container. If you havedone this properly, no liquid bait leakage will occur if the container remains vertical. <strong>The</strong> liquid bait will flow intothe “trough” lid only as it is consumed by foraging ants. Place at least 8 to 10 bait stations in all areas wherecarpenter ants have been observed, but out of the reach of children and pets.Fire or Flaming - destroys weeds, ticks, insects, fungus, and old vegetation, but also buildings and biologic lifeusually only exists in any quantity in the top few inches of the soil, so be careful!Fire Extinguishers - Take an old (rebuilt) 2½-gallon stainless steel, rechargeable fire extinguisher and fill it with1½ gallons of water and any water soluble alternative; pump it up to <strong>11</strong>0# of pressure and you have a wonderfullypowerful sprayer.Fireflies - Fireflies are great predators of snails and slugs.Firewater - Mix two to four jalapeno, serrano, or habanero peppers, three cloves of garlic, and 1 quart of waterin a blender, or chop the peppers and garlic and let them steep in a clear quart jar of water set in the sun forseveral days. Strain through cheesecloth, and carefully spray as needed; repeat after rain.Firewood - Store it outside (not inside) until it is needed, away from the building and 6” above ground.Fish Oil - Omega-3 fatty acids heal arthritis in many people as well as helping prevent colds and flu or any otherautoimmune diseases.Fishberry (Anamirta cocculus) - <strong>The</strong> berry can be used as insecticide and to kill mosquito larvae and fish.Be careful!Flagyl ® - Lightly spray a mix of water and Flagyl ® on virgin cardboard and this will kill all of the microorganismsin a termite’s gut and the whole colony will starve in a few days.Flannel - Put on some homemade knee-high white flannel socks and walk through the house; fleas jump onand get caught in the nap of them; remove them with a vacuum. Flannel can be used to catch other insects.Try it on bed bugs. See duct tape.Flea Collar - For dogs only: Mix ½ c. rosemary oil, ¼ c. citronella, 2 T. white cedar oil, peppermint oil and eucalyptusoil in a covered bowl. Soak a natural fiber rope for a few hours; allow the rope to dry and then use asa dog collar.Flicker - A flicker can eat a few thousand ants per day.Floating Row Covers - Help to protect plants from insects and weather.Flour - Dusting plants that are being eaten by grasshoppers or beetles with all-purpose flour (Get some on theinsects too.) in the morning when the plants are still wet with dew will cause the insects to ingest so much flourtheir mouthparts become so gummed up they cannot eat anything, and/or they will eat so much flour they willget sick and die. After 2 days remove the flour with a fine spray of water. If you use self-rising flour, or leaveall-purpose flour on plant leaves for more than 2 days, you can kill the plants. If you are trying to kill plants, addsome salt.Flowering Mustard Plants - are used as a trap crop in fields of cole crops because flea beetles prefer mustardwhich has high concentrations of attractive oils.Fluoride - Fluoridation is linked to bone cancer (osteosarcoma) in young boys. Many studies now link fluorideuse to cancer and shortened life spans. Fluoride has been linked to many deaths, especially in children and oldpeople. Fluroide can cause DNA damage and even kills human cells. <strong>The</strong> currently accepted estimate for the393

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