CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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Temperature - Increase or lower temperatures even 30 o to 40 o and you safely and quickly control many insectpests - change the temperature even more drastically and/or quickly and you can control virtually all pests. Unlikemammals, many cold-blooded organisms (insects included) are at the mercy of quickly changing temperatureextremes. If climatic temperature increases occur over a developmental period of months or years - a giveninsect may gradually acquire the ability to survive, this is termed “acclimatization”. If an insect can overcomegradual temperature stresses in days, hours, or even minutes this short-term adjustment is called “acclimation”.Insects quickly die if you quickly change their temperature.Tennis ball - Floor drains provide easy entry for a variety of filthy odors, crawling and/or flying pests - block thedrains with a tennis (or hard rubber or plastic) ball - when the water is running, the ball will float and allow thewater to drain - after draining the ball will settle back into position and seal the opening.Test - Always test a new product, control technique, alternative medicine, food, supplement, pesticide, pestisafe ® ,etc. on a small area or in small amounts before you use it as directed.Thai Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) - This citronella is more effective than true citronella(Cymbopogon nardus) as an insect repellent.Thatch Removal - helps create healthy soil that is more resistant to disease, insects, nematodes, molds, fungiand weeds.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Best</strong> <strong>Control</strong> II © - is an ever changing Intelligent Pest Management ® Manual - be sure you have the latestedition. If you have any suggestions, we can add them as we go along.<strong>The</strong>rmal Death - It is quite easy to kill pests with heat, e.g., bed bugs die at 45 o C. or 120 o F. for after two hours.Thieves Oil - Cinnamon, cinnamon bark, lemon oil and eucalyptus was used by thieves in the Middle Agesduring the Black Plague who stole from the dead and did not get sick. If you diffuse thieves oil into the area for72 hours, you can remove all stachybotrus mold spores and workers can breathe thieves oil as it is diffusing.And, best of all, the thieves oil will continue to kill mold for weeks after your treatment. Many fungus andbacteria are safely controlled using a combination of cinnamon oil, citrus limon (lemon) essential oil, rosemary,clove and eucalyptus oils. Lemon, rosemary and eucalyptus oils contain the essential oils D-limonene, cinede,beta-myrcene, Alpha-pinene, Beta-pinene and camphor. Cinnamaldehyde is a major compound in cinnamonessential oil. Eugenol is found both in cinnamon and clove oils. <strong>The</strong>se essential oils have anti-bacterial, antiviral,antiseptic and anti-catarrhyal properties.Think - before you act and before you accept tradition, authority and dogma or do any pest control. You havean unfair advantage (if you use it) over the pests; they can not think as well as you. But do not think to betrayor destroy others or the environment for your own profit.Thistle (and Nettle) - if left in your garden can be advantageous; the larvae of butterflies and moths will feedon them rather than your plants.Thrips - Pest thrips eat plants; predacious thrips, e.g., six-spotted thrips, black hunter thrips and banded-wingthrips eat spider mite eggs and nymphs, other thrips, aphids and other insect eggs. <strong>The</strong>y are virtually invisibleto the naked eye.Thundergod Vine (Tripterygium wilfordii) - is used as a garden insecticide in China. <strong>The</strong> powdered bark ismixed with liquid soap. Roots will kill codling moth.Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) - Plant thyme or tomatoes with cabbage plantings to control flea beetles, cabbageworms, white butterflies and maggots. Thyme pastes have been used to control pubic lice. Thyme has also beenuseful to refresh the lungs as infused tea, a great insect repellent, an antiseptic, to relieve fevers, headaches andwhen blended with honey to heal sore throats and whooping cough. <strong>The</strong> ability of thyme to deter insects waswell known to the ancient Greeks who used thyme as a fumigation tool. Blend it with lavender in a potpourristo control moths. <strong>The</strong> oil extracted from thyme contains thymol that has a pleasant odor and has a natural antisepticaction very similar to carbolic acid and/or iodine. Thyme is used in cooking. Mother of Thyme is a good467

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