CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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Sour Milk - sprays will loosen scale on small trees and plants so you can wash them off with water later.Sour Sop (Annona muricata) - Powdered seeds are toxic to armyworms and pea aphids.Southernwood - will repel ants (and the aphids they carry), cabbage moths and fruit tree moths.Soybean Oil - Kills mites. Kills beetles and other insect pests. Repels mosquitoes.Spanish Dagger (Yucca shidigera) - Powdered leaves are toxic to melonworms, bean leafrollers, celery leaftiersand other insects.Spearmint - will repel ants and mice.Sponges - Compressed sponge pieces with an attractant will kill any rodent that eats them. Caution: this mayalso harm other mammals and kills slowly, so use only when safe and legal.Spot Treatments with Pesticide Poisons - <strong>The</strong> only suggested (non-volatile) pesticides we “recommend” beused as a last resort - usually we will not apply even least-toxic pesticides unless it has an LD 50value of over5,000 and does not volatilize! While I know it is against the federal law to compare a pesticide’s LD 50value withany food product, I do believe that you as a reader should be aware some materials we daily ingest do have anLD 50value; for example, table salt has an LD 50value 3,500. <strong>The</strong> only reason I mention this is that just becausea product has an LD 50value for its active ingredient does not in and of itself indicate the danger or risk you areass/u/ming when you use that product:Registered Pesticide Poison Note: It is O.K. to say a generic (unregistered) product will control pests - but, ifyou say your product controls pests - it “magically” becomes an unregistered pesticide! When pepper spray usedto discourage muggers (people) was used to successfully ward off bear attacks - EPA classified it as a pesticidepoison. Apparently unregistered products or Pestisafes ® that control pests better and safer than registeredpoisons are an embarrassment not only to the poison “industry” but also to the “regulators”. Use registeredtoxins only as a last resort and, by law, only according to labeled directions! Never use the volatile ones!Intelligent Pest Management ® (IPM), prioritizes any treatment methods by always using the least hazardousand least intrusive means first, in order to effectively eliminate pests indoors, at the lowest possible health risk tothe customer and the applicator. It is always best to error on the side of safety rather than on the side of control.Before you agree on even a spot treatment; thoroughly review the pesticide and application method with thecustomer to be sure he or she understands the entire process. Be forthright about any conditions or problemsthat might result due to a treatment, including lingering odors. Always inquire about heart or respiratory problems,allergies, pregnancy and other medical conditions and/or medications that may prohibit treatment.When in doubt, provide the homeowners or other occupants with the current pesticide label and material safetydata sheet (MSDS) and let them decide. You should suggest that they consult their physician if they have medicalquestions relating to the treatment.SAFETY FIRST. Safety guidelines should always permeate every aspect of pest control - especially anypesticide (poison) applications. You should always inspect and troubleshoot before each job in order to protectyourself and your customers. Whether the treatment is inside or outside, all possible alternative Intelligent PestManagement ® techniques should always be attempted before making any pesticide poison application.Spray Bottle Cures - Non-toxic “pesticide” sprays that can be made from ingredients readily available in thehome. See also old fashioned spray mixes under Ants and/or Roaches in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Best</strong> <strong>Control</strong> © and also in thischapter, e.g., apple cider vinegar, castor oil, buttermilk, eggs, hydrogen peroxide, rhubarb, stinging nettles, sugar,urea, vinegar and wormwood. <strong>The</strong> Author prefers to call them Pestisafes ® .1. All-purpose - Take an empty spray bottle and fill about 3/4 of the way with water, then add a fewdrops of Ivory liquid soap, some hot peppers or hot pepper sauce and some garlic. This works well,but needs to be reapplied after every storm and/or every couple of weeks.459

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