CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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Pachygone ovate (Poir.) Miers.Used as insecticide in India.Pachyrhizus tuberosus (Lamb.) Spreng.Tubers and beans contain poisonous resin which is active fish poison; seeds, in decoction or powderform, T vermin.Pandanus tectorius Parkins. (P. odorifera (Forsk.) Lyons; breadfruit tree).Flowers placed among clothes to repel moths and similar insects, as well as perfume them.Papaver spp. (Poppy).Acetone ext. of flowers and stems T mosquito larvae; acetone ext. of seeds of Dutch poppyT mosquito larvae.Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. (Hedera quinquefolia L.; Vitis hederacea Willd. (Kew);Virginia creeper).Leaves rubbed on infested area of apple tree, a week later tree was entirely free of woolly aphids.Peganum harmala L.Roots used to kill lice in hair in India.Pelargonium spp. (Geraniums).Rose geranium oil repellent to screwworms; flowers more attractive and more toxic to Japanesebeetle than foliage; 2% concentration 51 to 80% T common red spider and cotton aphids.Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton. (Perilla).One of constituents of a patented insecticide was dried ground parts of this plant.Petiveria alliacea L.Used in Haiti, Nicaragua, and Central America as insecticide against bedbugs and plant lice.Phellodendron amurense Rupr. (Amur cork or velvet tree).Fruit T mosquito larvae, housefly, and codling moth.Phellodendron lavalli.Fruit has insecticidal properties.Phyllanthus niruri L.Leaves (bruised) were applied for scabies in India.Physostigma veneosum Balf. (Calabar bean).Eserine (physostigmine), alkaloid in calabar beans, very poisonous to higher animals; physiologicalaction similar to that of nicotine; 0.2 and 0.1% emulsion 100% and 56.6% T bean aphids.Picramnia pentandra Swartz.Used in Haiti as general insecticide.Picrasma excelsa Planch. (Aeschrion exelsa (Swartz) Kuntze; Simaruba excelsa DC; Quassiaexcelsa Swartz; Picraena excelsa Lindl.; Jamaica quassia; bitterwood).Wood used as insecticide.Picrasma napalensis Benn.Powdered leaves and twigs used to kill mosquito larvae in Assam, India.Pieris jamponica (Thumb.) D. Don. (Asebo; asemi).Used as insecticide in Japan.Pimenta racemosa (Mill.) Moore. (P. (Myrica) acris; bayrum tree).Oil of leaves (50 p.p.m.) 100% T mosquito larvae and (25 p.p.m.) 55% T; 99-80% T Lucilia cuprinalarvae and other insects.Pimpinella anisum L. (Spanish anise).Acetone ext. of seeds T mosquito larvae; oil T Lucilia cuprina larvae and gnats.Pinus sp. (Pine oil).T cockroach, Colorado potato beetle, Mexican bean beetle eggs, and as mothproofing agent.Pinus spp. (Pines).Exts. from needles were repellent to Japanese beetle; certain combinations of fractions of pine oils,when sprayed on bark of rustic furniture and log cabins made of white cedar, were very effective inkilling larvae of wood borer.Piper aduncum L.Used in Haiti as insecticide, particularly T ants in seed beds.Piper cubeba L. fil. (Cubeb).Acetone ext. of berries T mosquito larvae.438

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