CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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sprinkle this mix on the plants you wish to protect. Whatever organic material that was protected the weedsfrom pest attack will now keep your plants safe. Weeds are invaluable indicators of soil conditions. You can eatmustard greens, young dandelion greens, violets, purslane, chickweed and lamb’s quarters.Well-used Kitty Litter - will drive away moles and woodchucks when poured down their tunnel entrances ortunnels. Geese can also be repelled with a liquid derived from well-used kitty litter.Wheat Flour and Buttermilk - 300 pounds of flour and 1.5 gallons of buttermilk will control 1 acre of spidermites in an orchard or grove by immobilizing the spider mites on leaf surfaces where they explode.White - <strong>The</strong>color white attracts flies and many other insects to your bait or trap.White - <strong>The</strong> color white attracts flies and many other insects to your bait or trap.White Alyssum (Lobalaria maritima) - Strips of these flowers in fields of lettuce and other vegetables providehabitat for syrphid flies and other beneficial insects.White Distilled Vinegar (5%) - Spray to control ants and add a teaspoon of coconut oil to help remove spiderwebs. Use it straight to control “weeds” or in a cup to control fruit flies. Vinegar acts as a scent fence to keepcats away. Cheap white vinegar is acetic acid and not from apple or rice. Cheap white vinegar is acetic acidand not from apples or rice. See Vinegar.Whitewash (Lime in Water) - Brush on tree trunks from the base up 3 feet to repel insects and disease organisms.Reapply as needed. Barns were/are painted or sprayed with whitewash to control odors and pests. See Lime.Wild Buffalo Gourd Roots - Mix and use as a 3% sodium borate bait/spray on corn leaves at a rate of 1 ounce(active ingredient) per acre to control (adult) corn root worms.Wild Oregano is rich in a long list of minerals that includes calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper,boron, and manganese. Vitamins C and A (beta carotene) and niacin also are contained in oregano. Oregano isone of Nature’s preservatives. When oregano is used with foods such as meat, eggs, milk or salad, you greatlyhalt the growth of microbes and, thus, reduce the risk for food poisoning.<strong>The</strong> key element in oregano is the oil which contains carvacrol and thymol as the primary components. All ofthis helps make oregano oil a significant factor in treating internal and external fungi including athletes foot. Skinconditions such as psoriasis and eczema can be improved with the treatment as well. Oil of oregano outrightdestroys all variety of fungi and yeasts, regardless of where they reside.In addition to fighting various fungi, oil of oregano is useful against bacteria and parasites. Oil of oregano’santiseptic powers are immense; it inhibits the growth of the majority of bacteria, something that prescriptionantibiotics fail to accomplish.” In the case of parasites, oil of oregano has had success neutralizing worms,amoebae and protozoans.Additional uses for oregano and oil of oregano are unlimited. <strong>The</strong>y have been found helpful in combating diarrhea,intestinal gas, and digestive problems, as well as sore throat and breathing difficulties. Oil of oregano canbe immediate help against bee stings and many venomous bites until medical attention can be reached. Oil oforegano has even been suggested as a treatment for dandruff, diaper rash, and other skin disorders.<strong>The</strong> benefits of oregano have gone largely unnoticed and underpublicized for far too long. Oregano is “one of theworld’s finest natural medicines, that is if it is true oregano.” Many studies are discovering that oregano the “pizzaherb”, is a powerful antioxidant. <strong>The</strong> compound in oreano, roxmarinic acid, has antibacterial, antiflammatory,antioxidant and antiviral properties. Of all the plants in the mint family, oregano is the richest in antioxidants.Oregano may help prevent the cell damage caused by free radicals--highly unstable oxygen molecules thatsteal electrons from other molecules they find. Free radical reactions are most likely involved in inflammation,degenerative arthritis and the aging process in general. Evidence is growing that antioxidants may help relieveosteoarthritis and rheumatism.475

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