CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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Spotted knapweed begins producing catechin whenever you stress (tap on) the plants and will kill weeds; grassand wheat are resistant.Needs - All living organisms have 5 basic needs: air, water, temperature range, food and shelter. Deprive anyliving thing of 1 or more of these basic needs and it will die.Neem - Neem is a broad-leaved evergreen related to mahogany and has been worshipped as the goddessNeemari Devi in India. Neem has been used for over 4,000 years. Its medicinal qualities are mentioned in theearliest Sanskrit writings. It has been called the “village pharmacy” to treat a wide variety of disorders. Neemhas strong antiseptic, anti-viral and antifungal ingredients. <strong>The</strong> tropical neem tree (Azadirachta indica) has lacyGrevillea-like leaves, and is being spread to missionaries all over the world by ECHO located in Fort Meyers,Florida http://www.echonet.org/. Neem oil extracts (especially from the seeds) have been used as medicinalpreparations and pest control products in Asia and Africa for centuries. Neem oil is composed of a complexmixture of biologically active compounds. Neem has a strong, unpleasant odor and a bitter taste. Its variousactive ingredients acts as repellents, feeding inhibitors, egg-laying deterrents, growth retardants, sterilants and/or direct toxins. <strong>The</strong>se multiple modes of action make it unlikely that insects or pathogens will develop resistanceto neem compounds because they affect the pests in so many different ways. Neem has both contact andsystemic action in plants. Seed dust can irritate your lungs, but in most forms, neem is not irritating to humanskin. <strong>The</strong> active ingredients biodegrade rapidly in sunlight and within a few weeks in the soil. Neem oil is anexcellent registered insecticide and insect repellent and fungicide. Put 20 leaves and 5 slices of bread into ablender with 1/4 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Blend until you have a good mixture. Remove the mix and form intoballs 1” in diameter each. Place balls in corners and cupboards. Replace every month for best results of nontoxicroach control. You will initially see only small roaches produced which eventually die out. Neem is usuallyharmless to the natural enemies of insect pests, because the beneficials are not exposed normally the way thepests are. This has been attributed to neem’s requirements for oral ingestion, lack of toxicity to adult insects,systemic activity, limited persistence, and anti-infectant and/or repellent properties (Schmutterer, et al 1990).Neem Oil - Neem oil is considered to be non-toxic and yet it affects more than 200 species of insects. Neemrepels mosquitoes, biting flies, sand fleas and ticks and helps heal wounds, mange, poison ivy and poison oakand has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.Negative Ions - in the air repel insects; in the water kill insects (termites) that are sprayed directly.Negative Ion Plates (including Earth Cards) - are made of anodized aluminum that is completely natural andnever need recharging - they can be effective for two years or more and when placed in a proper grid patternwill repel and remove many pests within 3 - 30 days. You may also notice the air is fresher and your plants willgrow better. Note: <strong>The</strong>re are several manufacturers (or providers) of purple anodized aluminum or negative ionplates that create or focus natural energy. Earthtek Corporation has the trademark names Earth Cards and BugBanishers and advertises these are useful in pest control. <strong>The</strong>re has been previous literature, e.g., VibrationalMedicine and Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs and Star Signs and studies that other anodized aluminum plates alsorepel insect pests and create useful natural energy. <strong>The</strong> other plates have been used in the space shuttle andelsewhere to reduce depression and create a feeling of well being and/or euphoria. Some doctors use them to“heal” people. Some of the literature states the plates usually contain fragmented granite and the reorientedcrystalline granules are embedded in a polyester resin sealed in plastic creating a single “crystal” that constantlyemits positive energy, capable of penetrating any material. <strong>The</strong> Advanced Level Urban and Industrial IPM - PurdueUniversity correspondence course (see pages 373 and 198) calls the use of Earth Cards “absurd”. <strong>The</strong> advancedcourse then goes on to discuss the use of various volatile pesticide poisons, etc. to control pests. Pesticideshave never truly controlled, much less eliminated, pests; they have, however, poisoned many people includingthis Author. Someone should tell these IPM experts that IPM does not mean “Include pesticides monthly” or“integrated pesticide management,” and that hundreds of schools and thousands of people have found these“absurd” devices work better than volatile poisons in controlling pests.Nematodes - are microscopic; pest nematodes attack plant roots; beneficial or entomopathogenic nematodes(depending on the species) attack soil-borne pests, e.g., cutworms, caterpillars, bill bugs, fleas, termites, grubs,iris borers, cabbage root maggots, strawberry root weevils, Japanese beetle grubs, etc. Commercially availablebeneficial nematodes - tiny insect-attacking worms - attack termites, fleas, grubs, and some garden pests; findthem in garden catalogues etc.419

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