CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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Ricinus communis L. (R. vulgaris Mill.; R. medicus Forsk.; castor-bean plant; castor-oil plant;Turkey red oil).Powdered beans and husks, free of oil, T bees; acts as mosquito repellent; T when used in combinationwith pyrethrum against flies; castor oil, hydrogentated, T as mothproofing agent; sulphonatedcastor oil used to increase floatability on water of Paris green for killing Anopheline larve and as mothproofingagent.Rotenone.T as mothproofing agent and will kill fish.Roylea elegans Wall.Leaves used as insecticide.Ruta graveolens L. (Common rue; oil of rutae).Strong decoction obtained by macerating leaves of plant in soap and water, stated to be successfulremedy for American blight; oil 99-80% T Lucilia cuprina larvae.Salvia bicolor. (Oil of Spanish sage).99-80% T Lucilia cuprina larvae.Salvia sclarea L.Oil applied in 2% emulsion sprays, 51-80% T red spider and cotton aphid.Salvia sp. (Sage).Odor of sage had no effect on mosquotoes, but smoke from burning leaves stunned them in 8 to 10min. and killed them in 36 hours.Sambucus nigra L. (European elder).Acetone ext. of flowers T mosquito larvae; leaves are noxious to insects, moles, etc.Santalum album L. (Santal; sandalwood).Oil ext. 100% T (50 p.p.m.) and 65% T (25 p.p.m.) mosquito larvae; oil T Lucilia cuprina larvae;acetone ext. of wood T mosquito larvae.Santolina sp.Small quantities of plants put in containers holding herbarium collections were reported to kill theinsect pests.Sapindus marginatus Willd.Repellent to grain weevils and other insects.Sapium ellipticum (Hochst.) Pax. (Msharaka).Branches used on maggot-infested wounds.Sapium indicum Willd.Seeds used in India as fish poison and as insecticide.Sarcostemma brevistigma Wight and Arn. (Asclepias acida Roxb.).In India water passed through a bundle of these plants and a bag of salt is used to extirpate whiteants from a field.Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees. (S. officinale Nees. and Eberm.; S. sassafras Karst.;S. varifolium (Salisb.) Kuntze; Laurus sassafras L.; sassafras).Powdered bark T chicken lice and dog flea, but not recommended against these insects; oil pluspetrolatum one of best repellents against screwworm and is attractive to cockroaches.Satureia hortensis L. (Summer savory).Oil repellent to cotton aphids; smoke from burning dried leaves stunned and killed mosquitoes.Sauromatum guttatum Schott. (Arum venosum Ait.).Plant was observed during blooming period to attract in 2 days more than 100 flies which were founddead in bottom of flowers.Saussurea lappa (Decaisne) C. G. Clark. (Aucklandia costus Falconer; costus root).Insecticide for moths.Schkuhria abrotanoides Roth.Flowers used in Peru for same purpose as genuine insect powder.Schoenocaulon officinale (Schlect. and Cham.) A. Gray. (Veratrum officinale Schlecht. andCham.; Helonias officinalis Don; Asagraea officinalis Lindl.; Sabadilla officinarum Brandt andRatzed.; sabadilla).Used as dust, T grasshoppers, roaches, etc.; used as insecticide against lice; T mosquitoes.Selanginella scandens Spring.Leaves were put on fires to keep ticks away from houses in Gold Coast, Africa.440

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