CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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ask the obvious question - Who is getting paid off there? Sodium borate or borax will completely denude aforest and kill any rodent or insect that eats it.Sodium Chloride - Common table salt will kill weeds, ants, fleas, termites and most other pests; it can besprayed directly on the pests or on the ground and wood, etc. <strong>The</strong> Dead Sea will always be dead because ofits (non-volatile) salt. See Natrum muriaticum.Sodium Chlorite - at 0.17% (0.0017) by weight, kills bacteria, mold, mildew and odors.Sodium Hypochlorite (in chlorine bleach) - if mixed with ammonia, releases toxic chloramine gas, causingasthma symptoms and even death.Sodium Laurel Sulfate - is on the EPA exempt list. It kills insects in 30+ seconds at a 1% rate and in 10 - 15seconds at a 3% rate all by itself. It kills/repels ticks, fleas and lice, and can be blended to help kill weeds.Sodium Silicate - Is the simplest form of glass and can be used as a fungicide.Soft Coal or Humates - are registered for foliar fertilizers. Apply them with an electrical charge and they willnot only cover all of the plant’s surfaces, they will suffocate any insect that is in the area at the time.Soft Drink Bottles - have been set in mole holes with the top left above ground to make a “whistle” as the breezepasses over the mouth, sending vibrations through the mole’s chamber. Use them as wasp, slug, roach traps, etc.Soil Amendments - An agricultural IPM technique to help reduce the need for pesticides.Soil Improvement or Fertility - Improving the soil produces vigorous plants with increased resistance to pestsand diseases. <strong>The</strong> less fertility in the soil, the more insect pests.Soil Quality - <strong>The</strong> first control for all plants is to improve the soil quality — organically!Soil Sterilization - Try a combination of brassicas tilled into the soil and then cover the freshly tilled soil withclear polyethylene plastic to trap solar radiation and heat the soil. You can also pasteurize soil with applicationsof hot water into the soil to a depth of 12” and using a rotovator to distribute the heat through the top foot ofsoil - this procedure not only manages pests but irrigates the field. Cover crops can be used to reduce soilpathogens (mainly nematodes), and to provide organic matter that will lead to improved yields (Peacock 1995).You can also kill weeds, nematodes and many insect pests when you cover the soil for several days in the sunwith black polyethylene plastic.Soil Tests - Use a soil sampler and conduct proper soil tests before you fertilize. Use organic fertilizers.Soil <strong>The</strong>rmometer - Use this to test soil to see when it is best to plant and/or to release nematodes.Solanine - is a steroidal glycoalkaloid (C 45H 73NO 15) naturally found in nightshade plants including the green inpotatoes; it is very similar to malathion. On hydrolysis it yields solanidine and 3 sugars. Its aglycone portion isconsidered most toxic; it is a naturally occurring insecticide poison - use only with great caution.Solar Treatment - During warm summer days insects, e.g., bed bugs, can be solarized outdoors to kill them all.Solvents - quickly kill insect and arachnid pests but, if they are volatile, they can also harm people, pets and plants.Soot - Old soot and agricultural lime, which has a strong, repulsive smell, can be placed in containers set onthe ground to keep flea beetles from the crops.Sound or Sound Waves - can be used to repel pests. When sounds 50,000 cycles per minute were broadcastover a corn field, the number of cornborer moths infesting the crop was cut in half. Ultra sound vibrations 200,000per second passed through water suffocated mosquito larvae by shattering their windpipes.458

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