CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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Pomander - Repel moths and other insects with a clove petard by studding an orange, apple, lemon, lime orkumquat with the aromatic buds from the evergreen clove tree, then place it in cupboards, drawers and closets.Population Prevention - One female aphid can produce 6 billion in one summer. One female flea can lay 5,000eggs in her lifetime. One female tick can lay 7,000 eggs at a time. One female fruit fly can lay 800 eggs in herlifetime. Early reduction of even one pregnant female pest can substantially effect future population densities.Potassium bicarbonate - 1 T. mixed in 1 gal. water controls fungal diseases like black spot and powdery mildew.Potato - Trap wire worms which are the larvae of click beetles by scooping out several small holes in the gardensoil. Toss in sliced potato and cover with boards - the “nests” will attract wireworms - collect the infested potatoesevery other day and drop them into soapy water to kill the pests safely.Potato Starch Spray - Mix 2 T. - 4 T. of potato flour and a dash of liquid soap in 1 qt. water to safely contrtolfungal diseases and insects.Potato Water - Concentrations of potato water have been rubbed on cattle, and clove on chickens and dogsto repel lice.Power Dusters - impart an electrical charge to talcum powder, food-grade DE, boric acid, humates or any dust,making them excellent pest control devices.Powdered (Non-fat dry) Milk - Lightly sprinkle on tomato plants and on the ground directly underneath toprevent many diseases.Powdered Sugar - Dusted on wet cabbages will repel worms.Power Washers - are tremendous tools, especially when used with Safe Solutions Tweetmint Enzyme Cleaners- do not use cleaners that contain active bacteria or unknown quantities of protease enzymes. Follow the label.Prayer - Prayer changes things.Praying Mantids - should be called preying mantids because they will eat just about any insect including eachother.Predator Urine - will repel many herbivores and come carnivores. A drop or two of fox urine (on a cotton ball)will often cause raccoons and squirrels to vacate your attic space.Predators and Parasites - Without these beneficial insects (the most populous form of life on this planet)nothing man could possibly do would stop the pests from taking over this planet. At least 65% of all pests arecontrolled by other insects.Predatory Arthropods - Linneaus wrote about controlling pest problems using predatory arthropods in 1752.Insects have been controlled since the beginning of time by other insects, arachnids and/or diseases of insects.See Spiders.Predatory Mites - can be used to control pest mites.Preformed Enzyme Cleaners - or salmonella-free enzyme cleaners are what we previously recommended beused as an all-around cleaner, insectisafe and fungisafe or Pestisafes ® ; now we only recommend Safe Solutions,Tweetmint Enzyme Cleaner is used at 1 oz. per quart to control pests and 1 oz. - 2 oz. per 3 gallons of water toclean and/or flood ant colonies - you may add a “kicker” of a teaspoon of vegetable or canola oil, a tablespoonof borax, ½ of a grated lime, a few drops of liquid soap or garlic oil, 1 teaspoon of alcohol or hydrogen peroxide,a few drops of glycerin per quart of mix for quicker or better control of virtually all insects, fungus, mold and/ormildew. Unlike volatile, synthetic pesticide poisons, you can adjust the enzyme (pest-killing) application rate. A1 to 500 ratio kills garden, lawn, orchard, grove and field pests, e.g., mites, aphids, leaf miners, etc. but leaves(harder-bodied) biological/beneficials, e.g., ladybugs and Aschersonia, a beneficial fungus (that destroy white445

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