CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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odents, scorpions, etc. to your baits. Add sucrose and you have a double attractant. Heat the water to boilingto kill ants, etc. Heat the water to steam and you can kill weeds, dust mites, roaches, ticks, fleas, etc. Add saltand you can permanently control termites, fleas, etc. Add peppermint oil and soap and you can clean and/orkill most pests faster, safer and cheaper than dangerous pesticide poisons. Add negative ions or aspartameand you attract and kill many insects including termites. Add enzyme cleaner and you have created the perfectPestisafe ® . You can add water to traps to make them lethal. Proper irrigation controls crabgrass. Water can beused in many ways to control many pests. Many things can be added to water to make it work better in cleaningand/or controlling pests, e.g., spreaders, sticklers, surfactants, wetting agents, etc. Water can give or take life- put a seed in boiling water, plant it in fertile soil next to an unboiled (raw) seed, water both and see which onegrows. By the year 2050 cities will use half of the world’s water if we do not protect it now; we could starve.Water reflecting from a bowl in a doorway safely directs birds out of a building. Rabbits in the garden: Fill a fewjars half-full of water and set them around the plants. Most rabbits will stay away. Ducks or geese taking over:Float a plastic alligator or two in the water, tethered to fish lines anchored so the alligator(s) blow around thesurface. Set out blue and yellow buckets of soapy water to attract Japanese beetles by the hundreds and theyenter and drown.Water Guns - can be used to drive cats and some dogs from your yard. <strong>The</strong> bigger the better. See Super Soaker.Water Lilies - are not only extremely decorative plants; they can be used to absorb great quantities of heavy,poisonous metals, e.g., cadmium, through their leaves and roots.Water properly - Plants suffering from an excess or lack of water will be less vigorous and more susceptibleto diseases and pests. Consider using some form of drip irrigation, which keeps foliage dry and helps preventfoliage diseases, in addition to using water more efficiently. Too much water causes root rot.Water Repellent - A simple water repellent is made from 10% - 20% varnish, 1% - 3% paraffin wax and the restmineral spirits.Water Restoration - Get Set, Inc., Safe Solutions, Inc. bacteria and/or enzymes and Clean-Flo products canand have been used to restore water, remove weeds, increase fish production and remove muck.Watermelon - aids prostate health. Watermelon contains 40% more of the active cancer-fighting compound,lycopene, than do tomatoes.Wax - Wax with hot pepper extracts, e.g., capsacin and mineral oil, will repel animals after they take one bite.Wax can be used to create water-proof rodent baits. Bees wax can be used as a pruning agent. Parrafin oil isused as an insecticide and acaracide.WD-40 ® - will kill many insects and plants and it will remove sticker adhesive. Be careful!Weakness - Everything has a weakness; find it, exploit it and you have control.Weather Stripping - will not only conserve energy, but will also help prevent pest invasions.Weed Free Formula - This mix will treat 5000 squart feet of lawn: 2 c. fish emulsion, 2 c. seaweed extract, 5 gals.water. Spray on the lawn to increase grass plants and to help them survive drought. Try composted chickenmanure. If you heal the earth, you will have super plants/grass that will crowd out the weeds.Weed Killers - Need something safe to kill dandelions, etc.? Use 1 gallon of white vinegar, 2 cups of salt and adash of dish soap; put it in a spray bottle and apply to the leaves and the center of the plant. Repeat the processfor a few days as needed. You can also use straight vinegar or bleach. Boiling water is inexpensive and almost100% effective, but be careful! Early in the spring spraying ammonia or straight liquid urea is often effective.Later use 1 cup of borax per gallon of hot water or a propane torch and be careful.Weeds - Find several varieties that are not being bothered by the particular pest you wish to control. Run theirleaves through a grinder, juicer or blender, saving the liquid and adding an equal amount of water. Spray or474

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