CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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Euphorbia bicolor Engelm. and Gray.Juice of plants used to brand cattle in Texas as screwworms would not infect the fresh scar and spothealed readily.Euphorbia biglandulosa Desf.Decoctions recommended as insecticides.Euphorbia cyparissias L.In Crete plants were collected, crushed, and expressed juice, and then diluted with water to make a2 to 4% soln. After an hr. liquid used for watering gardens in which melons, cucumbers, etc. wereplanted, in order to destroy mole crickets.Euphorbia dendroides L.Decoctions recommended as insecticides.Euphorbia thymifolia L.Used as insecticide in India.Excœcaria agallocha L. (Blinding tree; babooter).Malays used sap to kill maggots infesting sores on buffaloes.Exogonium purga. (E. jalapa; Ipomoea j. (L.) Pursh; jalap).Acetone ext. of root T mosquito larvae.Ferula assafœtida L. (Asafetida).Strongly repellent to cornfield ant; oil 100% T Lucilia cuprina larvae.Fœniculum vulgare Miller. (French fennel).Acetone ext. of seeds T mosquito larvae; oil T Lucilia cuprina larvae and codling moth.Gardenia companulata Roxb. (Bihomna).This fish poison plant grows profusely to in Assam; juice was evidently an efficient larvicide in dilutionup to 1 in 80; larvicidal action due to a saponin.Gardenia gummifera L. f.In India the gum was used to keep insects from sores on cattle; strong-smelling gum resin usedextensively in European hospitals and veterinary work to keep flies from sores.Gardenia lucida Roxb.Strong smelling gum resin from wounds in the bark and from leaf buds of this tree was used in cutaneous diseases and to keep off flies and worms.Gelsemium elegans Benth.In China this plant was used against all kinds of insects.Gloriosa superba L.Juice of leaves used in India for destruction of lice in hair.Glycine soja. (G. hispida; Soja max (L.) Piper; soybean).Oil, crude and refined, T cockroach, Colorado potato beetle, and Mexican bean beetle eggs; eggsimmersed in oils for prolonged periods collapsed, apparently through loss of water.Gossypium spp.Oil (soluble) T cockroach, Colorado potato beetle, and Mexican bean beetle; oil (sulphonated) T asmothproofing agent.Gossypium spp. (Cottonseed oil).Oil T Sphaerotheca humuli at 0.5%Grewia carpinifolia Juss.Women in west tropical Africa used sap in washing the hair to remove or prevent lice.Gymnocladus dioica (L.) Koch. (G. canadensis Lam.; Guilandina dioica L.; Kentucky coffee tree).Leaves and fruit pulp, when rubbed with milk, T flies.Gymnosporia montana Benth. (Celastrus montana Roxb.)Bark, ground to a paste, applied with oils to the head to destroy Pediculidæ.Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lam.) Loes.Bark, ground to a paste, applied with oils to the head to destroy Pediculidaæ.Gynandropsis gynandra (L.) Briq. (G. pentaphylla (L.) DC.).Used in India as insecticide; seeds, rubbed with oil, used as vermicide in dressing the hair.Haplophyton cimicidum A. DC. (Cucaracha).T several species of insects.Harshara.Only vegetable insecticide found in Madagascar; decoction from roots were stated to be an excellentinsecticide and much employed by the natives to destroy parasites of the scalp.433

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