CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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Justicia adhatoda L. (Adhatoda vasica Nees.; malabarnut).T flies, fleas, mosquitoes, and pupae of aquatic insects.Justicia gendarussa L. f. (Gendarussa vulgaris Nees.).5% Ext. 100% T caterpillars of Prodenia litura and Euproctis fraterna; leaves scattered among clothespreserve them from insects.Karaya gum.T red spider, thrips, mealy bug, and aphids.Koelreuteria apiculata Rehd. and Wilson.Ext. seeds T mosquito larvae.Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm.Ext. of seeds and leaves T mosquito larvae.Laburnum anagyroides. (Cytisus laburnum L.; laburnum).Too toxic to human skin to be considered as practical louse remedy.Lactuca virosa. (Bitter lettuce).Ext. of leaves T mosquito larvae.Lagendandra ovata (L.) Thw. (L. toxicaria Dals.).Used as in insecticide in India.Lasiosiphon eriocephalus Decaisne.Bark used as fish poison and as insecticide in India; exts. of fruit in Mysore had varying toxic propertiesagainst aphids.Lavandula officinalis Chaix. (L. angustifolia Mill.; L. spica L.; L. vera DC; true lavender).Oil 51-80% T Lucilia cuprina larvae, T clothes moth, and strongly repellent to cockroach.Lavandula spp.Used with success in war time against infestations of lice and mites; in Belgium use to repel mosquitoes.Ledum groenlandicum Oeder. (L. latifolium Ait.; Labrador-tea).T lice, insects, etc.Ledum palustre L. (Crystal-tea).Leaves and twigs used as insecticide.Lepidium ruderale L. (Peppergrass).Recommended against flea beetles in Austria; used as insecticide in Japan; used as fumigant againstaphids and mites in hothouses.Leucas cephalotes (Roth) Spreng. (L. capitata Desf.).Used in India as external application for scabies.Leucas martinicensus R. Br.In Nigeria plant is burned for purpose of driving away mosquitoes.Linum usitatissimum L. (Flax).Linseed oil is derived from flax seeds which are nonpoisonous, although when oil is properly used ithas some insecticidal properties; boiled linseed oil is attrahent for Lasioderma serricorne; sulphonated linseed ol T as mothproofing agent.Linum usitatissimum L. (Linseed oil).Oil NT at 0.5% but T at 1% to Sphaerotheca humuli.Litsea glaucescens H. B. K.Powdered leaves used against ants.Litsea guatemalensis Mez.Powdered leaves used against ants.Lomatis silaifolia (Sm.) R. Br. (Parsley fern).Reported in New South Wales that flowers were poisonous to flies, the number in room being greatlydiminished when a bunch of flowers was put in fireplace.Lupinus spp.Used as mothproofing agent.Lycium balimifolium Mill. (Common matrimony-vine).Used as dust T roaches; used as stomach poison T grasshoppers.Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. (L. lycopersicum Karst.; Solanum lycopersicum L.; tomato).Tomato foliage may be placed round fruit trees to prevent access of insects; infusion of herb servesas insecticide for syringing.435

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