CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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a wide variety of antioxidants called aspalathin, chrysoeriol, orientin, isoorientin, vitexin, isovitexin, quercetin, isoquercetrinand rutin. It is thought that these components of Rooibos tea are responsible for its growing eputationas an “antiaging tea” as well as promoting cell health and helping maintain healthy blood sugar and inflammation .Research has found that Rooibos tea helps with irregular heartbeats, colic and diarrhea . Now a new study hasbuilt upon previous research showing that Rooibos may be effective for asthma and high blood pressure byhelping decrease muscle spasms in blood vessels and lung airways.Rosary Pea - called Black-eyed Susan, Weather Plant, Precatory Bean, Crab’s Eye Vine or Jequirity Bean; thescientific name is Abrus precatorius, and is found growing all over Florida on Sabal palms, shrubs, fences, andundisturbed areas. <strong>The</strong> seeds contain abrin, one of the most toxic principles known. Less than one masticatedseed can kill an adult human - Abrin is a thousand times more toxic than arsenic. Be very careful!Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) - Evergreen aromatic shrubs from the Mediterranean. Grows 2’ - 6’ withpale blue ½” flowers and attractive foliage. Powdered Rosemary leaves are used as a flea and tick repellent.Simply dust the powder onto the pet or areas where the pet sleeps. Rosemary oil will control lice. An effectiveand safer repellent. Rosemary is one of nature’s most powerful anti-oxidants and is helpful with memory lossand cancer prevention. You can also bring a quart of water to a boil and add 4 teaspoons of rosemary; let soakfor 20 -30 minutes . Drain and cool the solution and then spray your pets with the herbal rinse. Keep the petinside until the spray has dried. Use as needed to repel ticks and fleas.Rotation - Developing a good crop rotational plan is the first and most important step in the transition to IntelligentPest Management ® , sustainable agriculture, low-input or organic farming. Certain crops, like tobacco, potatoesand corn, are heavy feeders and should not be grown too often on the same soil, yet the Author has watchedfarmers ignore this sage advice year after year after year. This literally mines the soil rather than husbandingit. Planting the same crop in the same place year after year invites losses due to soil-borne diseases and overwinteringpests. Follow a crop rotation of at least 3 years for the four major vegetable plant families—Solanum(tomato, potato, pepper, eggplant); Cucurbit (melons, squash, cucumbers); Cruciferous (broccoli, cauliflower,cabbage, Brussels sprouts); and Allium (onion, garlic, leeks).Rotenone - extracted from Derris spp., Lonchocarpus spp. and/or Terphrosia spp. can be used as an insecticide.derris roots contain rotenone and crushed roots will kill fish when rotenone is thrown into the water. Rotenonehas been used since the 18th century.Rove Beetles - Most rove beetles and their larvae prey on aphids, fly eggs and maggots, mites, nematodes,springtails, etc.Rubbing Alcohol - will instantly kill most insects on which you spray it, including stinging insects, but be verycareful of your eyes and keep out of the reach of children and pets. You can also mix 1 T. - 3 T. of rubbingalcohol in a quart of water to kill most weeds, but put in 5 T. - 6 T. to kill poison ivy.Rue - Plant Ruta graveolens as a garden border or scatter shredded leaves to deter Japanese beetles. <strong>The</strong>oils from the leaves can be extracted and used as a spray to control or repel many insects. Rue is a flea andinsect repellent. It has been used to treat rheumatism, epilepsy and skin disorders. Caution: <strong>The</strong> oils givesome people a rash similar to that of poison-ivy and are toxic in large amounts!Rust <strong>Control</strong> - Take ¼ cup of shredded paper and place a thin layer of this paper at the base of the plant, e.g.,roses, snapdragons, hollyhocks, etc. and light the paper with a match; the quick flame will last 5 - 10 seconds andthen can be extinguished if necessary. Check again in a few weeks and repeat the fire treatment only as needed.Ryania - Puts insects into a state of “flaccid paralysis”. Roots and stems can be used to make a botanicalinsecticide.Rye Flour - Sprinkling rye flour over and around plants wet with dew will cause the resulting dough to cling tothe bodies of moths and worms so that they will bake in the sun and die.Sabidilla - Seeds are toxic to houseflies. It has been used as an insecticide since the Sixteenth Century. <strong>The</strong>451

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