CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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Sesamum indicum L. (S. orientale L.; sesame; benne or teel oil).Acetone ext. of seed T mosquito larvae and houseflies; acetone ext. of flower tops and leaves T mosquitolarvae.Sesamum indicum L. (Sesame oil).Oil T Sphaerotheca humuli at 0.5%.Sesbania aculeata Poir.In West Africa natives claimed that animals washed in water in which leaves of this shurb had beenpounded could safely traverse a tsetse fly belt.Sesbania punctate DC. (Sabral).Natives in Africa used decoction of leaves for washing animals to prevent bites of tsetse fly.Simarauba vesicolor St. Hil.Bark reduced to powder used as insecticide.Solanum tuberosum L. (Potato).Concentrated potato water T lice on animals.Sophora flavescens Ait.Decoction of stems and leaves used in Japan as insecticide.Sophora griffithii Stocks (Keyserlingia griffithii Boiss.).Powdered seeds mixed with oil T lice in hair.Sophora mollis R. Graph.Used as insecticide in India.Spilantes acmella (L.) Murr.Fruit used in India as fish poison and as insecticide.Squash, blue hubbard.Acetone ext. of seeds T mosquito larvae.Squash, Connecticut straight-neck.Acetone ext. of seeds to mosquito larvae.Squash, golden summer crook-neck.Acetone ext. of seeds to mosquito larvae.Squash, winter.Acetone ext. of seeds to mosquito larvae.Strychnos ignatii.Seeds used in mothproofing.Strychnos nuxvomica.Seeds used in mothproofing.Styrax officinalis L. (Storax tree).Solution of styrax containing sulfur or tar recommended as remedy for mites on man and animals.Synandrospadix vermitoxicus Engl.Poisonous bulbs serve for destruction of injuriuous insects.Syzygium armoaticum. (Eugenia caryophyllata Thumb.; E. aromatica Baill.; Caryophyllusaromaticus L.; clove tree)T chicken lice, dog fleas, body lice, and clothes moths; oil of clove buds and powder strong repellentsagainst screwworm and attractive to codling moth; powdered cloves T carpet beetle larvae; acetoneext. of flower buds T mosquito larvae and ants.Tamus communis L. (Black-bryony).Powdered root T hair lice.Tanacetum vulgare L. (Tansy).Flowers have stupefying effect on insects; acetone ext. of whole plant 10-30% T mosquito larvae; oil99-80% T Lucilia cuprina larvae.Tectona grandis L. F. (Teak).Tar extracted from wood was applied to sores of draft cattle to destroy maggots; teak-wood tarremedy for white ants.Tephrosia ambigua M. A. Curtis (Cracca ambigua).Insecticidal content found in roots.Tephrosia diffusa (E. Mey.) Harv.Zulus used decoction of roots to destroy head lice.Tephrosia heckmannia Harms.Infusions of fresh leaves were reported to be toxic to bedbugs and larvae of maize stalk borer.441

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