CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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Irrigation Management - Improper irrigation can wash off your treatments and spread infections and createother pest prolems.Isolation - Immediately isolate infected plant areas, materials and supplies to stop the spread of the pest/disease.Isolate areas with dangerous pest problems to keep children and pets out of them.Japaca, Yellow Oleander (<strong>The</strong>vetia peruviana) - All parts, except the leaves and fruit pulp, can be used tomake cold water extractions effective against a number of pests, especially aphids.Japanese beetle traps - Cut the necks off of 1-gallon plastic milk jugs and fill 1/3 full with fermenting mixturesof water, sugar, crushed fruit and yeast. Strain out the beetles regularly and simply reuse your “beetle brew”.Jasmonic Acid - and other naturally occurring plant substances can induce resistance to plant pests.Jello Powder and Dry Milk - Mix any Jello powder with dry milk and lightly sprinkle this mix on the top of yourseeds and then lightly cover with dirt. Moisten the soil and then cover with damp newspaper for 4 days; thenremove the newspaper and watch your plants grow. You can also dust your plants with (lemon) Jello to helpfight fungal diseases; the gelatin holds moisture and the sugar feeds the microorgnisms.Jewel Weed (Impatiens capensis) - Crush a large handful of jewel weed and place it in a large glass jar with aplastic lid. Pour in 1 qt. apple cider vinegar and let steep for several days. Strain the brew and add ½ tsp. pennyroyaloil, 1 tsp. eucalyptus oil, 1 tsp. orange oil (or geranium oil) and 1 tsp. citronella oil and spray the mix onskin and clothing to repel pests. Do not spray your face. Spray your hat or cap or scarf. Do not use if you arepregnant because pennyroyal may increase the risk of miscarriage. As with all mixes, first test a small areaof skin and wait at least 15 minutes for any allergic reaction. <strong>The</strong>n, if everything is o.k., spray as needed.Jewel weed juice can also be used by itself to alleviate poison ivy, stinging nettle and/or insect bites.Jojoba Oil - Kills/repels whiteflies on all crops. Kills powdery mildew on grapes and ornamentals.Juniper - berries naturally contain antibiotic and detoxification properties.Kaolin - clay dust will suffocate insects. Kaolin particle film forms a protective, physical barrier on fruit trees.Keep On, Keep On Keeping On - e.g., Keep the plants growing vigorously. Rapidly growing fruits and vegetablescan better tolerate or outgrow damage from insects and diseases, but they also quickly use up availablenutrients. Applying fertilizer (and water) at critical times during maximum plant growth is essential for producingpest- and disease-resistant plants. Refer to the K-State Research & Extension publication, Fertilizing Gardensin Kansas. Keep it clean. Remove plants and debris after harvest to avoid harboring insects and diseases.Remove weeds which may provide shelter for pests. Dispose of or burn diseased plants, fruits and vegetables.Composting is seldom thorough enough to eliminate disease-causing fungi and bacteria.Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus dioica) - A large shade tree with long leaves that are pinkish in spring,green in summer and yellow in fall. <strong>The</strong> seeds can be roasted and eaten like nuts or made into a coffee substitute.<strong>The</strong> bruised foliage when sprinkled with sweetened water will attract and kill flies. Can be raised in containers.Kitty Litter - Well used kitty litter will repel skunks, woodchucks, squirrels, chipmunks and many burrowing creatureswho dislike the idea of a hungry cat waiting nearby for its next meal. Even geese dislike an area sprayedwith kitty litter tea. Unfragranced, fresh clay kitty litter put in a large bag or container can be used to removeodors from smaller objects that are off-gasing.Knotweed - Extracts and pharmaceuticals isolated from giant knotweed (Polygonum sachalinense) or its relativeJapanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) have been shown to protect against cancer, lower blood cholesterol,protect against diabetes, improve cardiovascular health and are anti-inflammatory. One of the extractsis reservatrol which has extended the average lifetimes of fish, nematodes, mice and yeast up to 58%! <strong>The</strong>seplants produce many defensive chemicals that help protect against disease, insects and other plant species.409

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