CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

CHAPTER 11 - The Best Control 2

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lack cutworms.Laxatives - Chocolate laxatives, e.g., Ex-Lax ® , will totally destroy rats and/or mice. Put a strong laxative, intheir favorite food, and they will definitely defecate themselves to death.Leaf Mulch Compost - applied around cabbages, turnips and carrots, etc. will inhibit the root maggot pests.When the leaves fall, thoroughly mulch with your lawn mower right into your lawn. See Grass Clippings.Learn - Isa. 28:9-10 - Whom shall he teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand doctrine?(<strong>The</strong>m that are) weaned from the milk (and) drawn from the breasts. For precept (must be) upon precept, preceptupon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little (and) there a little.Leaves - Use them for green manure/compost, make tea. Mulched maple leaves will help prevent dandelions.Lecithin - can be used as a fungicide. Lecithin is a fat known as phospholipid, which is known to help preventthe formation of cholesterol gallstones.Lemon - Pour boiling water over a couple of sliced lemons with the peel and steep for 24 hours; place in a spraybottle and use to kill fleas and other pests. Spray dogs and allow to dry. Lemon peel will repel clothes moths.Lemon Basil (Ocimum) - An aromatic tender annual with small pretty flowers and lemony fragrance. An attractiveplant that is easy to grow. When planted in the garden close to tomatoes, it not only improves the taste ofthe tomatoes but deters white flies as well. See Basil.Lemon Juice - A high school student discovered straight lemon juice would kill plants like acid rain. When youput lemon juice squeezed on an area and leave the lemon peels there too, this will repel most ants. Straightlemon juice will help alleviate the pain and discomfiture of many bites and stings. CAUTION: Lemon juice willalso dissolve calcium so wash or rinse your mouth after using straight lemon juice. Lemon juice will also dissolvekidney stones. See Chapter 40.Lemongrass Oil - Repels dogs, cats and mosquitoes.Least toxic pesticides - Growth hormones, baits, fungus, salts, desiccating dusts and the like should be usedonly as necessary. Never use volatile, synthetic neurotoxins/pesticide poisons.Light Karo Syrup or Sucrose Water (1 cup sugar and 4 cups of water brought to a boil) - This clear sweetliquid is very similar to honeydew (and/or honey) and will lure ants, roaches and many sweet loving insectsincluding wasps to your bait station or trap as it is an attractant and a moisture source, so use it in your traps oradd a little borax or boric acid and make your own bait, but use less than 3% boron product and be careful tokeep any boron product away from kids and pets and wildlife.Light Traps - Put a light over a bucket of soapy water and leave on all night. Shut off all other lights and youwill attract flies, kissing bugs, swarming ants/termites and many other flying pests to their deaths.Lightning - provides the intense energy needed to combine atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen into nitrates.Nitrates enrich the soil as free fertilizer.Lights - Many mammals, insects and/or pests are attracted to or repelled by lights - change the lighting tocontrol pests. Blue-white lights attract the most insects; yellow is less attractive and red seems the least visibleto insects. Leave a small light or a strobe light burning in your attic and bats will leave in about 1 week; turnthem on when bats are hibernating and they will die. You can control cluster flies, flying ants, beetles, etc. withlights and you can repel other nocturnal invaders with different lights, e.g., strobe or motion detector lights. Hita hornet nest at night and they will fly to the (car) lights where you can spray them.Lime - (calcium oxide; CaO); can be used to disinfect outhouses, livestock facilities or to clean processing plantswhere adequate rinsing is provided. Sprinkle a little in the bottom of garbage receptacles. It can be used tocontrol fungus, insects, frogs, toads, mosquitoes, slugs, sowbugs, algae, duck weed, and as a repellent and a4<strong>11</strong>

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