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Neowood Éditions is a French digital publisher.New Vessel Press, founded in 2012, is an ebook publishinghouse in the United States, specializing in foreign literaturein translation.Novellix, a Swedish start-up founded in May 2011, andspecializing in the publication of short stories and otherbooks with a limited volume of around 32 pages each,which are released in print, audio, and ebook formats.Numeriklire is a French digital-only publisher specializingin adventure, erotica, literary fiction, crime, and youngadult books, also provides its entire catalog without DRM.Open Road Integrated Media, founded in 2009, is a USdigital publisher and multimedia content company. OpenRoad creates connections between authors and their audiencesby marketing its ebooks through a new proprietaryonline platform, which uses premium video contentand social media. Open Road Integrated Media has signedan agreement to acquire E-Reads, the digital publisherfounded by Richard Curtis in 1999. The purchase, which isset to close April 1, will add more than 1,200 ebooks toOpen Road’s listO’Reilly is a California based privately held publisher andpioneer in digital publications and ebooks, founded in1978 by Tim O’Reilly, entertaining international offices inGermany, Japan, China and Taiwan.Partridge Publishing is India’s first self-publishing imprintlaunched in early 2013 in partnership between PenguinBooks India and Author Solutions. Every Partridge India titleis released in digital format as an ebook, and print formatis offered as an option.Pratham Books, set up in 2004, is an Indian not-for-profitpublisher that seeks to publish high-quality books for childrenat an affordable cost in multiple Indian languages.Pratham makes its books available on open platform, aswell as on the entire range of reader applications.Publish Green, founded in 2010, is an US full-scale ebookpublishing house.Publish Green is committed to helpingtraditionally published authors, self-published authors,and book publishers of all sizes make their mark in theebook publishing world by providing a full range of ebookformatting, distribution, editing, and marketing services.Rocautores is a Spanish self-publishing platform, launchedin December 2012 by the Spanish publisher Roca Autores,on which the author may submit their work for evaluationby a team of professionals, receive a read and if positive,may purchase its editing service.Roli Books is an Indian general trade publisher covering awide range of subjects and was founded by Pramod Kapoorin 1978. Roli began first publishing children’s booksand subsequently moved on to illustrated book and hasrecently launched about 40 titles as ebooks.Saxo, the Danish leader in content management, circulationsystems and audience solutions, launched in September2012 its dedicated platform for self-publishing, calledSaxo Publish.Shelff, launched in May 2013, is a German digital-onlypublisher with its headquarter in Berlin. Shelff wants tobenefit from all advantages of the digital publishing.Sobooks, a project of the German blogger and online activistSascha Lobo, was launched at the Frankfurt Book Fair2013 as closed beta version. It is a reading platform butdigital bookshop and small digital publisher at the sametime.Sterling Publishers, the Delhi-based Indian publisher, publishesgeneral interest and children’s books and began tooffer a wide collection of ebooks in EPUB format.The House of Books is a new Dutch publishing companiesfor fiction, nonfiction and children’s books, with a strongfocus on ebooks.tredition, incorporated in 2006, is a publishing housebased in Hamburg/Germany and started out as a selfpublishingservice provider for book publications in Germany.tredition developed several tools for automatedpublication of books in ebook and printed format.Tulika Publishers is a South Indian multi-lingual children’sbooks publishing house and was founded in 1996. TulikaPublishers was among the first to experiment with bookapps.131 The Global eBook Report

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