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making the ebook creation and publication process easyand affordable.eBook Partnership, an ebook distributor based in the UK,was founded in 2010.eBook Partnership serves more than500 clients, ranging from first time authors to traditionalpublishers who want to convert their physical books toebooks and ensure that those ebooks are successfully submittedto all the major retailers.Ebookpoint.pl, founded in 2011 as a Polish company, specializedin the distribution of ebooks on information technology,law, business, psychology and education. It offersa platform for self publishers and ebook production servicesfor corporate and private customers.eBooks.com was founded in 1997 as a specialist onlineebook store that offers titles from hundreds of publishersin the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia andprovides high quality titles to the growing ebook customerbase globally. The company offers an extensive catalog ofdigital books from the world’s leading publishers and hasdeveloped an aggressive marketing strategy to make surethat their titles have the best market exposure possible.Ebrary, founded in 1999, long before ebooks were popular,is a ProQuest business located in Palo Alto, CA, USA. Ebraryhelps customers acquire ebooks strategically through athree step approach involving transitioning, diversifyingand streamlining and currently has more than 4,500 librarycustomers around the world serving more than 19.2million end-users. More than 500 of the world’s most authoritativepublishers distribute ebooks on the Ebraryplatform. In 2013, it announced a new German-languageebook subscription database for academic libraries.Eden-Livres, launched in 2009, is a French joint venture ofthe independent publishing houses Gallimard, La Martinière/LeSeuil,Actes Sud, and Flammarion, offering a catalogof over 5,000 titles in various formats, mostly EPUB. Thetechnical service provider Canadian De Marque has receivedadditional financing of 3 million Canadian dollarsfrom three French publishers: Gallimard, Flammarion (laterin the year acquired by Gallimard), and La Martinière. Acatalog of 1,500 French Canadian ebook titles has beencleared for distribution in France through Diffusion Dimedia,in a cooperation with Volumen and Eden Livres in 2013.eDigita is an Italian digital distribution platform, brandedin May 2010. Edigita.it is a collaboration between Feltrinelli,RCS Libri, Messaggerie Italiane, along with ten smallerpublishers. Together the group represents 30% of the printmarket in Italy.EditionGuard is a secure and robust ebook DRM service,based on the industry standard Adobe Content Server, locatedin the United States. EditionGuard provides publisherswith high-end digital publishing solutions as well ascreation and conversion services for digital publications.Its areas of expertise range from Publishing Automation,DRM, Digital Publishing for Mobile platforms and Web-Print solutions.eKönyv Magyarország is one of Hungary’s strongest distributorsand retailers for ebooks.Elefant is the leading ebook distributor in Romania.Elib, established in 2000, is the main Swedish ebook distributor.Elib supplies technical solutions for a secure andreliable distribution. Elib’s customer base covers the wholedistribution chain from publishing houses to libraries andretailers in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.Emka, a Slovenian ebook distribution platform, is stockedwith more than 1.100,000 Slovenian and foreign titles,textbooks for all educational levels, stationery and businessgifts, and much more. The Emka.si website is part ofthe retail network of Mladinska knjiga Trgovina d.o.o., whichis the leading bookseller in Slovenia.Empik is Poland’s largest commercial chain selling books,international press and media products, promoting itsown ereading device and an ebook catalog of 4,521 titlesin EPUB format and 4,068 in PDF format.Epagine, a French company founded in 2008, offers editors,bookshops, and librarians the perfect tools to workwith ebooks. Epagine transforms French and Dutch sourceformats of books into formats ready to be read as ebooks.In addition, it offers editors the production, storage, andprotection of their ebooks and assistance in developingcatalogs. It also operates a Dutch platform, serving a broadlist of publishers.Epigrafe, founded in 2003, distributes digital publications,protected under Adobe technology, in Spanish. Its prioritiesare to recover cultural assets and popularize digitalcontent, honoring copyrights without neglecting the consumer.ePub Direct, founded in 2009, is an Irish online ebook distributionplatform that connects book publishers with1000 online retailers and over 25,500 libraries. ePub Directoffers additional services such as ebook conversions, appand enhanced ebook creation and white label solutions.137 The Global eBook Report

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