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Contributed article BookwireAvailability and discoverabilityin a global eBook market.The separation of content from the printed book has alasting impact on product strategy, production, marketingand distribution of book content. In a global content market,digital products must be distributed reliably, quicklyand securely in a rapidly developing trade sector. Availabilityand discoverability are the key to success in eBooks,as they become mainstream in Europe and other developingdigital markets.Availability of products in all channels and secure dealingswith shops are the first steps. Then comes the question ofhow customers will find the titles in the future. The userexperience and discovery experience vary greatly amongthe popular eBook shops and are still in need of development.Along with analysis of sales reports and continualimprovement of metadata, trade marketing is becomingincreasingly important. How do I turn an available productinto a discoverable product? How do I get placements andcooperation with major eBook shops that will enhancesales? Which marketing tools help with circulating titles,information and text samples in the social web? On whichplatforms and communities must title metadata be available?How do I guarantee the quality of this informationand that it can be updated?Creating smart dataIt is essential that publishers are able to quickly draw theright conclusions from their own digital strategy. Whichtitle and which genre have been successful in which saleschannel and at which price in the various countries?We live in a world of constant “beta”, where we have tokeep on checking and updating strategies and marketing.Publishers have to sift out the relevant smart data from themound of data available and turn it to practical use. Speedand perfect analysis are increasingly becoming crucial factorsfor the success of digital publications.eBook distribution made easyBookwire was established in 2009 with the aim of offeringa service to independent publishers of all sizes, in order toopen up the new digital market quickly, simply and skilfully,from production and quality management, distributionand marketing in all relevant digital sales channels totransparent statements and analysis of all sales.Bookwire provides solutions for publishers that want aslice of the digital pie while it is still hot, quickly, flexiblyand with as much technical and content-related knowhowas possible. Together with our clients, we have createddistribution solutions for digital and audio books that facilitatefuture-orientated, fast, reliable and successfulglobal distribution and marketing of digital content.Changing challenges of the digital marketNot a week goes by on the digital market that doesn’t bringwith it a technical innovation, a new sales channel, a newbusiness model or a new marketing tool to which a contentprovider needs to react. A clean and flexible technical processchain is essential for implementing new productstrategies. This process chain enables a response to bemade to demands and publishers’ innovations to catch onin the shop and with customers.Bookwire helps publishers to cope with the challenges ofreduced innovation times, rapid product-publication cycles,global distribution, the new eBook player, new qualitymanagement requirements as well as new legal issues. Bypushing ahead with innovation and trial and error today,we gain the competitive advantage for tomorrow.The Global eBook Report 56

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