MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense

MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense

MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense


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<strong>MSI</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong>: Phase 1<strong>MSI</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong>: Pupil ProfilePhase 1NameDate of birthCompleting the profileThe <strong>MSI</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong> Profiles are designed to show progress by pupils with<strong>MSI</strong>, whatever their types and degrees of sensory impairments and additionaldisabilities. Pupils with different combinations of impairment may demonstrate aparticular ability in very different ways. For this reason, the Profiles combine tickboxes so that progress can easily be quantified with space for description of apupil’s specific behaviours.For each item, in each of the first three boxes put the date when:aware the pupil shows signs of being ready to learn this ability –for example, s/he is attentive although not yet active;s/he has relevant pre-knowledge; s/he has fleetingly used theability on occasionsachieved in specificcontextsgeneralisedthe pupil consistently uses this ability in some but not all of thesituations in which it could be usedthe pupil consistently uses this ability in all appropriatesituations, although s/he may need prompting in unfamiliarsettings or activitiesIn the ‘Comments’ box, add examples of how the pupil shows the ability, anyspecific needs or constraints (for example, from physical disability) or any othersignificant information.The Summary Sheet gives a picture of a pupil’s overall progress within aparticular Phase. To complete the Summary Sheet, total the number of itemscompleted at each level for each section and mark off the appropriate numberof boxes – for example, in Communication a pupil might have achieved 5 itemsat ‘aware’, 2 at ‘achieved in specific contexts’ and 1 at ‘generalised’. When thepupil’s Profile is updated, progress is shown by using dates or different colours inupdating the Summary Sheet.107

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