MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense

MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense

MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense


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<strong>MSI</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong>: Phase 3Pupils’ preferred forms of sensory input are incorporated into leisure and otheractivities. Group activities such as drama, art and science are multi-sensory tocater for the range of needs.Pupils are given experience of both optimal and less optimal visual and acousticenvironments, with appropriate support in less optimal settings. In less optimalenvironments activities make fewer demands on pupils, and proceed more slowly.Staff model and draw pupils’ attention to ways of adapting the environment eg:by shutting doors to lessen noise or switching on lights.Where appropriate, the use of specially-designed cues (objects of reference,photos, symbols etc.) is gradually reduced and the pupil’s attention drawn tonaturally-occurring contextual cues. Naturally-occurring sights, sounds and othercues may be enhanced or specifically emphasised in the earlier stages of thisprocess.Pupils are given opportunities to recognise familiar stimuli in a range ofcontexts. They are supported in working out the implications of familiar sensoryinformation – for example, anticipating an outing from watching packed lunchesbeing put into a coolbag.Pupils are given frequent opportunities during a range of activities to attendjointly to a person and an object or other stimulus. It is recognised that this isdifficult for many pupils.In group activities, pupils are cued if necessary when the focus shifts from onemember of the group to another. Pupils are given as much time as they need toshift their attention.Pupils who use hearing or visual aids work co-operatively with staff to check andmaintain them, sharing responsibility for the activity with staff and carrying outsome of the actions themselves.Rhythm continues to be a key element in how experiences are presented (forexample in music, speech, movement or pulsing light).68

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