MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense

MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense

MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense


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<strong>MSI</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong>: Phase 4• he is independent in many self-care activities;• he is increasingly confident in new settings provided he is supported by afamiliar adult;• with help, he develops and uses strategies to manage unpredictable situations– for example, using a long cane to walk in crowded corridors.Calendar usageEach morning Harry develops his timetable for the day, drawing representationsof the main activities onto a 2x4 grid, colour-coded for the day of the week. Eachbox in the grid can be divided into two to allow greater flexibility in the numberof activities recorded. To reinforce his timetable work Harry uses computergeneratedsymbols (from ‘Writing with Symbols’ and ‘Communicate in Print’)and sign graphics (from ‘Let’s Sign and Write’).Over time, Harry’s timetable work has progressed through a number of stages:• at first he built his timetable with 1:1 support, by choosing the appropriatesymbols to velcro onto a laminated grid. The staff member gave the BSL signfor each activity and Harry copied it. New symbols were paired with photosuntil he learnt their meaning;• the written word for each activity was later added beneath the symbol, sothat Harry could associate the activity, the symbol, the written word and thesign;• Harry began to draw the symbols onto a colour-coded grid which a staffmember made with him from a template, initially also completing thelaminated version to reinforce his understanding. At first all Harry’s drawingswere circular, although they held distinct meanings for him. Over a period ofmonths staff modelled how to include a greater amount of detail in drawingswithout copying the symbol exactly;• the day name was written at the top of the page and Harry was encouragedto over-copy this. Over time he progressed to copying the name withoutneeding the pencil guide, and to over-copying some of the activity words;• Harry’s signs are often small and indistinct due to his under-confidence.The ‘Let’s Sign and Write’ program, which provides pictures of signs beingformed, has been used to make a sign graphic version of Harry’s timetable.This is used to reinforce Harry’s drawings of the day’s activities. Harry easilyinterprets the sign graphics and has responded very positively to their use,signing more confidently and clearly.96

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