MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense

MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense

MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense


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<strong>MSI</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong>: Phase 2Cues are used to differentiateand name activities(Communication)Communication goes atthe pupil’s pace(Communication)Pupils are given time to exploreequipment used in daily activities(Conceptual development)Materials are accessible to pupilsthrough their residual senses(Sensory responses)Staff are alert for signs thatpupils can develop their sensoryfunction further(Sensory responses)Teaching sessions incorporatechanges in materials(Conceptual development)Sensory propertiesof pupils’ receptivecommunication modesare optimised(Communication)Pupils locate items theywant(Orientation, movementand mobility)Staff respond to actionsby pupils which changefamiliar routines(Responses to routinesand changes)Kieron: Snack and standCross-curricular linksItems to explore arepresented so pupils canrevisit them easily(Sensory responses)Pupils are givenopportunities toproblem-solve(Ownership of learning)Activities offer turntakingand shared control betweenpupil and staff member(Ownership of learning)Pupils are encouraged to workco-operatively rather thancoactively with staff(Understanding of time and place)Staff find ways of extendingpupils’ range of exploratorybehaviours(Conceptual development)Pupils are given realopportunities to influencewhat happens to them(Communication)Pupils’ efforts andachievements areacknowledged(Ownership of learning)55

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