MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense

MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense

MSI Unit Curriculum - Sense


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<strong>MSI</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Curriculum</strong>: Phase 1Ownership of learningtypical achievement aware achievedin specificcontextswithout prompting, gives signal (anysignal) for keyworker to continueactivity during pause in familiarroutineconsistent increase or decreasein activity in highly reactiveenvironments (eg: resonance board,Little Room)generalisedcommentsacts intentionally on objects orphysical environment (eg: kickingmobile to make sound)works co-operatively with keyworkeron very familiar motivating activities(joint working to complete activitybetween them)Responses to routines and changestypical achievement aware achievedin specificcontextsparticipates in specific greetingsroutines or other daily routines withkeyworker (keyworker structuresinteraction and repairs breakdowns)anticipates daily routine eventsfrom contextual cues eg: mouthmovements when sees drink beingmade or hears water runningtolerates change in single aspectof routine activity (eg: place orequipment used)generalisedcomments111

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