Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Each electron gun is electrostatically focused by acommon grid voltage. In other words, each gun hasits own electrode, but all three are connected togetherrequiring only one grid voltage. The three electronbeams scan the screen and are controlled by thedeflection yoke mounted externally around the neckof the tube. As the three beams scan the phosphorscreen horizontally and vertically in the standardscanning pattern, the dot triads light up according tothe video input signals (fig. 5-34).The purifying coil produces a magnetic fieldwithin the tube that aligns the electron beams parallelto the neck of the tube. Rotating the purifying coiladjusts the electron beams so they strike theirrespective color dots without striking neighboringdots. When this adjustment is made for the red dots,the other two electron beams are aligned as well.The high-voltage anode is a metallic ring aroundthe tube. The field neutralizing coil aids color purityat the outer edges of the picture tube. A metal shield,called a mu-metal shield, is placed around the bell ofthe tube to prevent stray magnetic fields fromaffecting the electron beams.Q1.Q2.Q3.Q4.Q5.Q6.Q7.Q8.Q9.Q10.Q11.Q12.REVIEW QUESTIONSWhich heading indicator displays the mostinformation?Are the three control boxes in the HSI groupinterchangeable between the stations?On the BDHI, what is the lubber index?What does HUD stand for?What does TDS stand for?What is a combiner, as used with the HUDsystem?How many different dc voltages are used inthe HUD unit?In the HUD system how many basic modes ofoperation are there?The SENSO ARU receives inputs from whatsource?What is another term for a camera tube?What process is referred to as scanning?How many elements are contained in astandard television signal?5-27

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