Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association


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1-35.1-36.1-37.1-38.UHF-1 does NOT provide what type ofoperation? navigationCipher voiceLink 11 dataCipher voice guardUHF-2 does NOT provide what type ofoperation?1. ADF navigation2. Cipher voice3. Link 11 data4. Cipher voice guardHow many channels are available forautomatic tuning in the UHFtransceivers?1. 87502. 85003. 75004. 7000What system is used as a backuptransmitter for the CASS system?1-41.1-42.1-43.What high-frequency security unitprovides cipher voice communicationwith the AN/ARC-161 HF radiosystem?1. TSEC/KY-752. TSEC/KY-583. TSEC/KY-284. TSEC/KW-7How many channels does theAN/ARC-161 HF radio system tune toautomatically?1. 820,0002. 280,0003. 180,0004. 128,000Coupling might NOT be possible onthe HF-1 antenna in which of thefollowing frequency ranges? to 4.8000 MHz6.0000 to 12.0000 MHz12.0000 to 13.2000 MHz13.2000 to 19.2000 MHz1-39.1. UHF-12. UHF-23. UHF-34. UHF-4Which of the following componentsinterface(s) the UHF-1 radio setwith the voice and data sources?1-44.What component of the AN/ARC-161 HPradio system includes thelightening arrester?1. RT-1000/ARC-1612. AM-6561/ARC-1613. C-9245/ARC-1614. CU-2070/ARC1-40.1. COMM switching matrix2. UHF-1 set control only3. UHF-1 voice selector only4. UHF-1 set control and voiceselectorWhat componentrelay panel tooperation?1. UHF-1 RT2. UHF-2RT3. UHF-1 control box4. UHF-2 control boxactivates the SATCOMthe SATCOM mode of1-45.1-46.Illumination of the CPLR READYindicator on the C-9245/ARC-161indicates the associated couplerhas passed the self-test routine.1. True2. FalseWhat indicator on theC-9245/ARC-161 will illuminateanytime the radio set failsself-test?1. CPLR FAULT2. CONT FAULT3. SYS FAULT4. RT FAULT4

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