Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association


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ASSIGNMENT 3Textbook Assignments "Radar," chapter 3, pages 3-l through 3-23.3-l.3-2.3-3.3-4.3-5.3-6.The AN/APS-115B radar set is whatband of radar?1. w2. x3. Y4. zWhat component of the AN/APS-115Bradar set combines the radar video?1. APP2. RIU3. CRS4. SDDWhat component displays radar videoinformation?1. APP2. RIU3. CRS4. SDDTilt stabilization of the radarantennas is accomplished by use ofpitch and roll data from whatcomponent?1. APP2. RIU3. CRS4. SDDWith both antennas in full scan,which of the following points arethe crossover points relative toaircraft heading?1. OOO" and 180°2. 060° and 270°3. 090° and 270°4. 120° and 300°What operator station contains theradar system operating controls?1. Acoustic sensor2. Nonacoustic sensor3. Tactical coordinator4. Navigator/communicator3-l. What is the manual tilt range ofthe radar antenna control fromaircraft horizontal?1. +1502. *3003. +lOO to -2004. +200 to -1003-8. What will OOOO displayed indicatewith HEADING STAB selected on theradar antenna control?1. Aircraft heading2. True heading3. Magnetic heading4. Target heading3-9. With respect to the aircraft, whatis the mechanical limit for radarantenna stabilization?1. +1002. 51503. *2004. *3003-10. With the scan switch In FULL on theradar antenna control, how manydegrees will the antenna scanduring single system operation?1. 4502. 9003. 180°4. 240°3-11. With the scan switch in SECTOR onthe radar antenna control, how manydegrees will the antennas scan?1. 45O2. 9003. 180°4. 240°16

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