Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association


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9-26. What computer is the most practicaltype to use when speed and fullyautomatic operation is desired.1. Stored-program2. Internally stored-program3. Externally stored-program4. Multiaddressed-program9-27. Computer instructions are brokendown into what four categories?1. Bit, byte, digit, and literal2. Input, output, shift, anddouble3. Transfer, control, arithmetic,and logic4. Binary, octal, digital, andhexadecimal9-28. Instructions that provide thecomputer with the ability to makedecisions based on the results ofpreviously generated data are knownas what category of instructions?1. Literal2. Logic3. Shift4. Binary9-29. Each instruction refers to only oneoperand, and the instructions arenormally taken from the memory insequential order. This is acharacteristic of what type ofcomputer?1. Single-address2. Single-address-sequential3. Multiaddress4. Multiaddress-sequential9-30. Logic and arithmetic operations areperformed in what section of adigital computer?1. RAM2. I/O3. CPA4. ALU9-31. After an arithmetic process iscompleted, the result is stored inwhat location in the arithmeticunit?1. The assembler2. The accumulator3. ‘The compiler4. The input/output libraries9-32. The process by which instructionsand data are read into astored-program type of computerbefore a calculation is started isknown as1. inputting2. outputting3. loading4. down loading9-33. Which of the following is thepurpose of "bootstrap"Instructions?1. To cause the program to"branch," depending on whethera certain condition is met2. To place enough instructionsinto a computer memory so thatthese instructions can be usedto bring in more instructions-3. To cause the program toterminate if a "bad-data" inputis sensed4. To perform multiplication ofcertain numbers9-34. A nonmagnetic toroidal form is usedin what type of memory storagedevice?1. A tape wound core2. A semiconductor3. A ferrite core4. A thin film9-35. A toroidal form molded from ceramiciron oxide, possessing magneticproperties, is used in what type ofmemory storage device?1. A tape wound core2. A semiconductor3. A ferrite core4. A thin film61

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