Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Figure 3-1.-Azimuth scan coverage.C-7511A/APS-115 Radar Antenna ControlPanelThe C-7511A/APS-115 (fig. 3-2) controls both ofthe radar antennas. There are six controls available tothe operator for getting the presentation desired.TILT KNOB.— This knob gives the operator theability to vary the tilt of the antenna manually. Therange of manual tilt is from +10 degrees to –20degrees from aircraft horizontal.the antenna scan to be 360 degrees during dual systemoperation. The antenna scan will be 240 degreesduring single system operation. In the SECTOR position,the antennas will scan 45 (±4) degree sectors.This sector will center around the position establishedby the ANT HEADING control. With STOP selected,NORTH STAB/HEADING STAB PUSHBUTTON.— With NORTH STAB selected (illuminatedamber), the presentation displayed will be northstabilized. 000° displayed will be true north. WithHEADING STAB selected (illuminated amber), thepresentation will be heading stabilized. 000°displayed will be aircraft heading. Pressing the pushbutton will alternately select NORTH or HEADING.STAB/OUT SWITCH.— With STAB selected,the antennas will automatically correct for aircraftpitch and roll attitude changes. Mechanical limit forantenna stabilization is ±30 degrees, with respect tothe aircraft. With OUT selected, the antennastabilization is disabled.SCAN SWITCH.— There are three selectionspossible to the operator. The FULL selection causesFigure 3-2.-C-7511A/APS-115 radar antenna control panel.3-2

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