Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association


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Figure 7-5.-Master light control pannel.Figure 7-3.-Displays control panel.push-button mode selection switches forair-to-ground or air-to-air selection. The panel alsocontains the all-weather landing/precision coursedirection push-button switch for air-to-air modeselection. The all-weather landing/precision coursedirection switch is used when weapons are to bereleased using the data link system.CONTROL STICK.— The control stick(fig. 7-4) is located in the forward cockpit andcontains the weapons selector button, weapon trigger,bomb release push button, and the DLC/CHAFFDISPENSE push button.MASTER LIGHT CONTROL PANEL.— Themaster light control panel (fig. 7-5) is located on theright side console of the forward cockpit and containsthe ACM thumb-wheel control. This thumb-wheelcontrols the 26-volt ac to the ACM panel indicatorlights.LANDING GEAR HANDLE.— The landinggear (LDG GEAR) handle (fig. 7-6) is located on theleft vertical console of the forward cockpit.Movement of the LDG GEAR handle operates a switchassembly that functions as an armament safety device.This assembly prevents inadvertent missile launching,bomb release, rocket firing, and ACM encounterjettison of external weapons/stores when the aircraftFigure 7-4.-Control stick.Figure 7-6.-Landing gear handle.7-3

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