Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association


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6-10. The HDG selector switch on thepilot’s HSI control selects whichof the following heading signalsources for display on the HSIcompass card?1. INS-1 and INS-22. INS-1 and STBY GYRO3. INS-2 and STBY GYRO4. Vertical gyro and STBY GYRO6-11. On the pilot’s HSI control, theATTD selector controls which of thefollowing sources of attitudesignals for the pilot’s FDI sphere?1. INS-1 and INS-22. INS-1 and STBY GYRO3. INS-2 and STBY GYRO4. Vertical gyro and STBY GYRO6-12. On the pilot’s HSI control, withthe BRG 1 switch in DA, the COURSEHSI-FDI selector switch must be inwhat position to receive signalsfrom the central computer?1. TACAN2. VOR-1/ILS3. VOR-24. TAC NAV6-13. The BRG 1 switch selects the sourceof the bearing signal displayed onthe bearing pointer 1 on which ofthe following HSIs?1. Pilot’s, copilot’s, and TACCO’s2. Pilot’s, NAv/COMM’S, andTACCO‘s3. Copilot’s, NAV/COMM’S, andTACCO‘s4. Pilot’s, copilot’s, andNAV/COMM’s6-14. On the copilot’s HSI control, theATTD selector controls which of thefollowing sources of attitudesignals for the copilot’s FDIsphere?6-15. The BRG 2 switch on the copilot’sHSI control selects the source ofthe bearing signal displayed on thebearing pointer 2 on which of thefollowing HSIs?1. Pilot’s and copilot’s2. Copilot’s and NAV/COMM’s3. Copilot’s and TACCO’s4. TACCO’s and NAV/COMM’s6-16. When there is a failure with theheading function in the centralrepeater system, what indicatorilluminates on the NAV/COMM HSIcontrol?1. DIST NO-GO2. ATTD BEARING NO-GO3. INS NO-GO4. HEADING NO-GO6-17. Which of the following signals areselected for display on theNAV/COMM HSI by the NAV/COMM HDGswitch?1. MAG and TRUE heading signals2. INS-1 and INS-2 heading signals3. INS-1 and MAG heading signals4. INS-2 and TRUE heading signals6-18. What indication appears on the HSIwith VOR-1 selected if the inputsignal from VOR-1 becomesunreliable?1. VOR-1 NO-Go2. NAV NO-GO3. VOR-1 flag4. NAV flag6-19. What signal will be supplied to theHSI by the UHF-DF/OPTI and the ADFsystems when either is selected?1. Bearing signal2. To-From signal3. Course deviation signal4. NAV flag signal1. INS-1 and INS-22. INS-1 and STBY GYRO3. INS-2 and STBY GYRO4. Vertical gyro and STBY GYRO39

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