Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association


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ASSIGNMENT 2Textbook Assignment: “Navigation,” chapter 2, pages 2-1 through 2-19.2-1. Which of the followingInstrument(s) invention in theearly 1700s made accuratenavigation possible, even when faraway from land?1. Astrolabe2. Sextant only3. Chronometer only4. Sextant and chronometerIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-2 THROUGH 2-5,SELECT THE NAVIGATION TERM FROM COLUMN BTHAT IS DEFINED BY THE NAVIGATIONDEFINITION IN COLUMN A.2-2.2-3.2-4.2-5.A. DEFINITIONS B. TERMSPosition of one 1.point In spacerelative to 2.another pointwithout reference 3.to distance4.A point defined bystated or impliedcoordinatesAn elapsed intervalSeparation of twopoints, measured bythe length of theline joining themPositionDirectionDistanceTime2-6. What distance is the approximatedifference between the highestpoint and lowest point on theearth’s crust?1. 10 miles2. 12 miles3. 15 miles4. 18 miles2-7.2-8.2-9.2-10.In reference to the earth’s sizeand shape, which of the followingconditions best describes the termellipticity of the earth? diameter of the earthmeasured around the equator(6,887.91 nmi)The diameter of the earthmeasured through the poles(6864.57 nmi)The ratio between theequatorial and polar diameters(.9966 to 1)The difference between thediameters around the equatorand through the poles(23.34 nmi)The arc of a great circle is theshortest distance between twopoints on a plane.1. True2. FalseHow many sections is a meridiandivided into by the equator and thepoles?1. Six2. Two3. Eight4. FourThe arbitrary starting point forlongitude is identified by which ofthe following terms?1. Greenwich or zero meridian only2. Prime or zero meridian only3. First or prime meridian only4. Greenwich, zero, prime, orfirst meridian8

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