Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association


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clamping signals from the sync generator. The videoprocessor combines all of these signals into acomposite video signal, which is fed to the video linedrivers. The video line drivers amplify the compositevideo and provide three separate outputs. One outputgoes to the video indicator, one goes to the aircraftcomputer, and one goes to the video BITE module.BITE SubsystemFigure 6-20 shows a simplified block diagram ofthe BITE subsystem of the power supply-videoconverter. The BITE logic module receives aninitiation command signal from the IRDSC. Thiscommand is generated whenever BITE is selected onthe IRDSC. The signal causes the BITE logic moduleto generate and send a gray scale enable signal to thesync generator. This signal overrides the gray scaleswitch on the IRDSC, and causes the sync generatorto output a gray scale signal in addition to the sync,blanking, clamping, and drive signals. BITE logicalso sends a BITE initiate signal to the controlservomechanism to initiate servo BITE. A BITE ONsignal is sent to the IRDSC from the BITE logicmodule to light the BITE ON indicator. This indicatorshows that the BITE mode is operating.The TV video BITE module monitors the outputof the sync generator, the video line drivers, and thecamera BITE from the receiver-converter. If a failureoccurs in any of these circuits, the video BITE modulegenerates and sends a TV fail signal to the powersupply BITE module.The power supply BITE module monitors all ofthe power supply voltages. If any voltage is notcorrect, a power supply malfunction signal isgenerated and sent to the BITE logic module. Thissignal causes the logic module to send a power supplyfail signal to the IRDSC to light the power supply faillight. If the power supply receives a TV fail signalFigure 6-20.-Power supply-video converter BITE block diagram.6-17

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