Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association


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10-12. To maintain the angle-of-attack,and thus the airspeed duringaircraft landing approach, whatsystem automatically adjusts thethrottles?1. APC2. AFCS3. DDCS4. R-DGIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 10-13 THROUGH10-16, SELECT FROM COLUMN B THE COMPONENTDESCRIBED IN COLUMN A.A. DESCRIPTIONS10-13. Determines anddisplays backuppitch and rollattitudeB. COMPONENTS1. Discretemessageindicator2. VGI10-14. Displays ninestatus indications 3. Approachfrom the one-way indexerlink system, theradar beacon, and 4. Warningautopilotindexerpanel10-15. Provides anotherangle-of-attack inthe pilot’s field of view10-16. Provides status indications forthe APC and AFCS, and whether awaveoff has been initiated10-17. A fully automatic approach fromentry point to touchdown on theflight deck is what ACLS mode ofoperation?1. Mode I2. Mode II3. Mode III4. Mode IV10-18. Manual pilot control to touchdownon the flight deck with talkdownguidance by a shipboard controlleris what ACLS mode of operation?1. Mode I2. Mode II3. Mode III4. Mode IV10-19. During Mode I landing operation,the pilot is cleared for approachby what indicator illumination onthe discrete message indicator?1. CMD CONTROL2. ACL READY3. AP CPLR4. LDG CHK10-20. During Mode I landing operation,deck motion compensation will beadded to the glide-path commandsat how many seconds fromtouchdown?1. 1.5 sec2. 12.5 sec3. 15.0 sec4. 17.5 sec10-21. During Mode I landing operation,the landing system will freeze thepitch and bank commands at howmany seconds from touchdown?1. 2.5 sec2. 2.0 sec3. 1.5 Sec4. 1.0 secIN ANSWERING QUESTION 10-22, REFER TOFIGURES 9-4 AND 9-5 IN THE TEXTBOOK.10-22.During Mode I landing operation,the LCC sends a wave-off signalautomatically if the aircraftexceeds the boundaries at how manyseconds from touchdown?1. From 2.5 to 17.5 sec2. From 2.0 to 10.0 sec3. From 1.5 to 12.5 sec4. From 1.0 to 7.5 sec66

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