Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association


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6-20. On the HSI, when a tactical mode isselected, true heading informationis switched out of the circuit, andthe compass card will be driven bymagnetic heading information.1. True2. False6-21. What is/are the quantity ofpointers on a BDHI?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four6-22. From what reference is the BDHIcompass card read for aircraftheading?1. Pointer No. 12. Pointer No. 23. Lubber index4. Lubber line6-23. The BDNI distance counterof how many total synchroreceivers to position the1. Five2. Two3. Three4. Fourconsiststorquenumerals?6-24. The visual display system used byaircrew to search for, attack, anddestroy the enemy is commonlycalled the1. MDS2. PDS3. SDS4. TDS6-25. To displaythe pilot,attack information tothe electro-opticaldisplay system uses what type ofsource?1. Electronic2. Light3. Analog4. Digital6-26. The electro-optical sightused by the pilot is the1. EOD2. EODU3. HUD4. HUDUsystem6-27. Which of the following sourcesprovide(s) aircraft performancedata?1. Bore sight reference2. Aircraft systems3. Tactical computer set4. Aircraft flight sensors6-28. The transparent mirror thatdisplays information to the pilotin the HUD set is called a1. reflector2. combiner3. mirror/reflector4. windscreenIN ANSWERING QUESTION 6-29 REFER, TOFIGURE 5-8 IN THE TEXTBOOK.6-29. Which of the following informationis/are NOT processed by the signaldata processor for the head-updisplay unit?1. Bore sight reference2. Discrete signals3. Tactical computer input4. Aircraft flight sensor data6-30. The HUD set signal data processorinput receivers operate on which ofthe following channels at the sametime?1. One and two; three and four2. One and three; two and four3. One and four; two and three4. One, two, three, and four6-31. The identity signal for the HUD setinput receivers of the signal dataprocessor consists of how manytotal bits of data?1. 242. 203. 134. 1040

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