Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association

Aviation Electronics Technician 1 - Historic Naval Ships Association


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2-11.Which of the following are thesubdivisions of a degree of arc?IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-16 AND 2-17,REFER TO FIGURE 2-6 IN THE TEXTBOOK.2-12.2-13.1. Minutes and seconds, or minutesend tenths of minutes2. Hours, seconds, and tenths ofseconds3. Hours, minutes, and seconds4. Hours, minutes, end tenths ofminutesWhich of the following is thenautical miles to statute milesconversion ratio?1. 6,000 ft = 1 statute mile2. 1.15 nautical mile =1 statute mile3. 1.15 statute mile =1 nautical mile4. 5,280 ft = 1 nautical mileA speed of 500 knots and a speed of500 nautical miles per hour areequivalent.1. True2. FalseIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 2-14 AND 2-15,REFER TO FIGURE 2-5 IN THE TEXTBOOK.2-14. What circle represents the horizondivided into 360 degrees?1. Compass gyro2. Wet compass3. Compass rose4. Magnetic compass2-15. What is the true heading of theaircraft?1. 000 degree2. 062 degrees3. 110 degrees4. 295 degrees2-16. If the true heading of the aircraftshown is changed to 225 degrees,what is the true bearing to theisland?1. 045 degrees2. 090 degrees3. 180 degrees4. 225 degrees2-17. If the true heading of the aircraftshown is changed to 225 degrees,what is the relative bearing to theisland?1. 045 degrees2. 090 degrees3. 180 degrees4. 225 degrees2-18. What type of navigation uses onlyspeed and heading measurements tocompute position changes from aninitial position fix?1. Inertial2. Dead reckoning3. Magnetic4. Doppler2-19. World War II fostered thedevelopment of which of thefollowing radio aids?1. Doppler2. TACAN3. Omega4. Loran2-20. Altitude is defined as thehorizontal distance of a level, apoint, or en object measured fromgiven point.1. True2. Falsea2-21. Every aircraft has what type ofaltimeter?1. Pressure2. Laser3. Radar4. Absolute9

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