1996 Buick Park Avenue Owner's Manual

1996 Buick Park Avenue Owner's Manual

1996 Buick Park Avenue Owner's Manual


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FRONT This selection is used to defrost thewindshield by directing the airflow toward the windshield.If FRONT is selected while in the AUTO mode, the fanspeed and the air temperature from the front defroster willvary. If a manual fan speed setting is selected, the fanspeed will remain at that selection until another fan speedselection is made or the AUTO mode is selected. To turnoff FRONT, press the AUTO or AIR FLOW button.FRONT defrost will work better if any ice or snow iscleared from the hood and the air inlet area between thebase of the windshield and the hood.Air Condi,,.On hot days, open the windows long enough to let hotinside air escape. This reduces the time it takes for yourvehicle to cool down. Then keep your windows closedfor the air conditioner to work its best.If you have the electronic touch system, for quickcool-down on very hot days, use MAX with thetemperature and fan speed adjusted to COOL and HIGH.For normal cooling on hot days, use NORM and adjust thetemperature and fan speed for your comfort. If REClRC isselected while in the NORM air conditioning mode, thesystem works like MAX and recirculates the air. UseBI-LEV to deliver warm air to the floor and cooler air tothe middle instrument panel outlets.If you have the dual automatic comfortemp system andon very hot days using the AUTO mode, the system willautomatically enter the RECIRC mode and thetemperature door will be positioned at the full coldposition for maximum cooling. If the system is not inthe AUTO mode, RECIRC should be selected to providemaximum cooling. You can choose the extreme comfortsetting of 60°F (16"C), but the system will not cool anyfaster by choosing the extreme comfort setting.When the air conditioner is on, you may sometimes noticeslight changes in your vehicle's engine speed and power.This is normal because the system is designed to cycle thecompressor on and off to keep the desired temperature.

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