"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)


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the Invitation of Foreign Scientists Program, which has short-term andlong-term components. The age limit <strong>was</strong> removed for the long-termprogram, and the postdoctoral fellowship nature of the program <strong>was</strong>abandoned. (The Postdoctoral Fellowships for Foreign Researchers program<strong>was</strong> subsequently revived in FY1979 as the Invitation Program forPostdoctoral Researchers from the UK, West Germany and France, whichbecame the Postdoctoral Fellowships for Foreign Researchers program inFY1988, and currently extends invitations to many young researchers fromall over the world.)Currently, the short-term Invitation of Foreign Scientists program bringsaround 310 leading foreign researchers with exceptional research records toJapan every year for 14 to 60 days to engage in discussion and exchanges ofopinions with Japanese researchers and to give lectures. The long-termcomponent invites to Japan annually around 80 foreign researchers withoutstanding research records to engage in joint research with Japaneseresearchers on designated themes for six to ten months.In addition, in FY2000, the <strong>JSPS</strong> Award for Eminent Scientists <strong>was</strong>launched as a means of inviting to Japan foreign researchers withexceptionally fine research records. Five such researchers were invited inFY2000, three of whom were Nobel laureates.As part of general programs for international cooperation, as of FY1973, the<strong>JSPS</strong> has subsidized the travel costs of Japanese researchers who have beenselected for the fellowship program of the Alexander von HumboldtFoundation and accordingly have to travel to Germany for research. InFY2000, 33 trips (22 outward trip and 11 return trip) were subsidized forHumboldt research fellows.(b) Bilateral scientific exchangeBilateral programs are conducted with particular countries based onmemorandums of understanding (MOUs) or agreements concluded by the<strong>JSPS</strong> with other countries’ academies, scientific research councils and otherinstitutions, or on agreements concluded between the Japanese governmentand other governments. The first example <strong>was</strong> the US-Japan Cooperative109

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