"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)


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(a) Application requirements• Postdoctoral Fellowships for Foreign ResearchersApplication methodsHost researche rs can apply in Japan through their research institutions,while foreign researchers can apply through their countries’ nominatingauthorities. Applications by host universities can also be made throughresearch leaders receiving Grants-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Researchor research leaders in the Centers of Excellence Formation Program.ScopeAll areas of the humanities, social science and natural scienceRequirements for host researcherFull-time researcher (excludes research associates) at one of the followingresearch institutions wishing to host a foreign researcher fellow: Japanesenational, public and private universities, inter-university researchinstitutions, national experimental research institutions, and thosespecial public institutions, licensed corporations, public corporations orregional public experimental research institutions, etc., engaged inresearch activities.Requirements for foreign research fellows- Citizens of countries with which Japan has a diplomatic relationship.- Persons who have a Ph.D which <strong>was</strong> awarded no more than six yearsprior to April 1 of the year in which they begin their research in Japan.There is no requirement that the person has a full-time post.• Postdoctoral Fellowships (Short-term) for US ResearchersApplication methodHost researchers can apply in Japan through their research institutions,while US researchers can apply through a US nominating authority.ScopeAll areas of the humanities, social science and natural scienceRequirements for host researchersFull-time researcher (excludes assistant researchers) attached to aJapanese national, public or private university or an inter-universityresearch institution, etc.Requirements for US research fellows- US citizen or permanent residence.- Persons who have a Ph.D which <strong>was</strong> awarded no more than 10 years prior167

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