"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)


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Chapter II. Overview of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(1) <strong>JSPS</strong>’s conversion to an Independent Administrative InstitutionWith regard to the timetable for making <strong>JSPS</strong> an independentadministrative institution, at present (June 2002) the contents of theIndependent Administrative Institution Japan Society for the Promotion ofScience Law are being deliberated. A bill is scheduled to be introduced in aspecial fall session of the Diet. Preparations are being made to implementthe new law from October 2003.As to the rationale for making <strong>JSPS</strong> an independent administrativeinstitution, it is to facilitate post-implementation evaluations of programs toverify whether their results meet the objectives set by the government; and ifnot, to require the head of the organization to take responsibility for theshortcomings. At the same time, it is to minimize the involvement of thecompetent minister in <strong>JSPS</strong>'s administration so as to give <strong>JSPS</strong> autonomy inoperating its programs in such a way as to achieve the set objectives.Under the new system, the government will only appoint <strong>JSPS</strong>'s head andauditor, with all other officers being appointed by the head. This willstrengthen the head's discretionary power and give him clear administrativeresponsibility.With regard to the operation of its programs, <strong>JSPS</strong> will prepare 3-5 yearprogram plans based on mid-term objectives set by the government, and willsubmit them to the government for approval. Along with these mid-termplans, <strong>JSPS</strong> will prepare annual plans, and will implement them uponnotifying the government.Regarding the government's budgetary procedures, operating subsidies costsfor unspecified usages germane to <strong>JSPS</strong>'s mid-term plan will be provided forin the compilation of each fiscal year's budget. In this way, itsadministration and program implementation budget, being provided mainlyas operating costs subsidies, will allow <strong>JSPS</strong> to be free of pre-programinvolvement by the government, to receive funds for unspecified usages, andto carry over funds into the next fiscal year. While maintaining a flexiblebudgetary system, <strong>JSPS</strong> will incorporate business accounting principles intoits accounting system and will exercise full financial disclosure.As for program and operational evaluation, <strong>JSPS</strong> will receive an annualevaluation to be conducted by a review committee established by itscompetent minister. The committee will also conduct, upon the completionof each mid-term plan, a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of209

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