"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)


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program. In FY1979, however, a program <strong>was</strong> established for the invitationof young German and British researchers who had recently completed theirdoctorates, based on nominations from the Royal Society in the UnitedKingdom and the West German Humboldt Foundation, modeled onfellowship programs such as that of the Humboldt Foundation. Recognizingthe valuable experience which young Japanese researchers had gainedthrough the goodwill of the UK, the US, France and other developedcountries in the postwar period, the program <strong>was</strong> intended to contribute tointernational scientific exchange at Japan’s expense, starting with theextension of invitations to young British and West German researchers.The title of the program has since been changed to Postdoctoral Fellowshipsfor Foreign Researchers and the content expanded to include all countriesand a greater number of places.Inauguration of Grants- in- Aid for Scientific ResearchMonbusho’s support for scientific research stretches back to the scientificresearch grants launched in 1939, but the current Grants-in-Aid forScientific Research represent the 1965 integration of scientific research,scientific experimental research, and research results publication funding.Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research comprise research assistance intendedto significantly promote exceptional, original and pioneering research in allareas from the humanities and social sciences through natural science as ameans of promoting Japanese science. Research costs are subsidized forfundamental research planned by university and other researchers orresearcher groups which has been determined through peer review to be inline with scientific research trends and of particular importance.Grants-in-Aid represent the Japanese government’s main avenue ofresearch funding as a means of forming the country’s research foundations,and are indispensable for a country seeking to build itself on scientific andtechnological creativity. Recognizing this, MEXT decided to institutesweeping reforms in regard to the administrative processing ofGrants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, improving the screening process andservices to researchers. To this end, the Japan Society for the Promotion of114

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