"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)


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Establishment of <strong>JSPS</strong> as a special public institutionThe <strong>JSPS</strong> <strong>was</strong> originally established as a non-profit foundation, butdistanced from government scientific promotion policies after the war with,for example, a reduction in government subsidies. However, as of the late1950s, the inauguration of the <strong>JSPS</strong> fellowship program for young Japanesescientists and the US-Japan Cooperative Science Program saw the <strong>JSPS</strong>taking on a more substantial role in government scientific promotion policy.Consequently, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Bill <strong>was</strong>adopted by Cabinet resolution on March 28, 1967, positioning the <strong>JSPS</strong>under its own legislation. The bill <strong>was</strong> introduced to the Diet on April 21.Reasons for presenting the bill were summarized as follows:(…) Academia and many other quarters of society are pressingstrongly for the country to respond swiftly to these changes anddevelopments in research activities by designing effective andappropriate measures in the various areas, such as support forscientific research, development of the research environment,promotion of international scientific cooperation, and the fosteringand securing of researchers, thus setting in place the necessarymechanisms to promote scientific development programs.Some of the scientific development programs in question requireflexible operation, and there are in fact many cases where, given thisnature, it is more appropriate to entrust implementation toorganizations and groups rather than pursue direct implementationby the government. These type of projects have traditionally beencarried out by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.However, to maintain close linkage with the government’s sciencemeasures while further expanding and developing these programs,as well as to boost international credibility, their implementationwould seem most appropriately carried out by a special publicinstitution. Accordingly, this bill has been submitted for theestablishment of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science as aspecial public institution …107

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