"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)


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(i) Strategic priority setting in science and technologyPromotion of basic research- Stress high-quality basic research which explores new knowledge andopens the way to the futurePrioritization of R&D on national/social subjects- Focus placed on the following four areas in particular, prioritizing theallocation of research funds into these(1) Life sciences (contribution to disease prevention and cure, as well asresolution of the food problem)(2) Information and telecommunications (research directly linked withexpansion of information and high tech industry and creation of anadvanced information communications society)(3) Environmental sciences (research vital to human health, conservation ofthe living environment, and maintenance of the foundations for humanexistence)(4) Nanotechnology and material science/technology (foundations withmajor repercussions for a wide range of areas)In addition to these four areas, energy, manufacturing technology, socialinfrastructure, and frontier science and technology are also consideredfundamental to Japan’s existence, and in pushing forward with these,priority will be placed on those areas where government efforts are critical.Focus on emerging fields- In recent years, the fusion of different areas and the development of newscience and technology have created many new fields. Where a field,while small, is expected to experience substantial growth in the future,the flexibility will be built in to make an appropriate response.Recent examples: Nanotechnology, bioinformatics, system biology, andnanobiology(ii) Science and technology system reforms to create and utilize excellentresultsR&D system reforms- Doubling of competitive funding and introduction of indirect cost funding(30 percent)- Expansion of personnel mobility: Improvement of fixed-tenure system forfostering young researchers (extension of term from three to five years),89

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