"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)


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To ensure a fair screening process, the following conditions are placed oncommittee membership:* That twice the necessary number of committee members are recommended* That committee membership is not weighted toward particularuniversities* That sufficient numbers of women researchers are considered ascandidates* That the names of committee members, etc., are not announced during thescreening/distribution period so as to ensure the autonomy and fairness ofscreening.Committee members are appointed by the <strong>JSPS</strong> on a part-time basis andasked to cooperate in screening.ScreeningThe Committee on Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research stipulatesscreening guidelines and evaluation standards grounded in the basicapproach to screening laid down by MEXT’s Council on Science andTechnology. An overall evaluation is made based on the subcategories ofresearch content, research plan, appropriateness as a research category andappropriateness of size of grant. In addition to evaluations from a specialistperspective, after the initial application screening, a conference is heldamong different committee members to determine whether or not theapplication will be accepted in order to ensure that research grants arebeing distributed in line with scientific research trends.The process is as follows.• MEXT notifies the <strong>JSPS</strong> of its basic approach to grant distribution (determinedthrough the deliberations of the Council on Science and Technology).• The <strong>JSPS</strong> Committee on Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research discusses anddetermines screening guidelines based on the above approach.Examples of screening guidelinesu Priority shall be given in the distribution of grants for the researchprojects and the publication of research results to those areas importantin terms of the current state of Japanese science, bearing in mind thegoals and nature of the various research categories.In selecting research projects, factors such as the clarity of researchgoals, research originality, the degree of contribution to the immediate148

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