"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)

"JSPS External Review Report" was issued.(PDF File 1.22MB)


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technology (34.3 billion yen drawn from this funding), and Ministry ofHealth, Labour and Welfare scientific research subsidies (32.9 billion yen).These are generally funds which are allocated based on researcher requests.(Competitive funding is explained in more detail further on.)Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research and other forms of competitive fundingwere originally limited to costs incurred in implementing research, but as ofFY2001, it will become possible to allocate a certain ratio of researchfunding (currently 30 percent) for indirect costs to the research institutionswith which researchers are affiliated. This channeling of funding intoresearch institute management and other expenses incurred throughresearch implementation is designed to ensure the more efficient andeffective use of competitive funding.Research assistance for private universities comes out of the government’sgeneral account, with some funding going through Promotion and MutualAid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan and some through the scienceand technology budgets of the various ministries and agencies, such as theMEXT science and technology budget described above.Funds are allocated to universities through Promotion and Mutual AidCorporation for Private Schools of Japan in the form of general subsidiescalculated based on teaching staff and student numbers and specialsubsidies focused on upgrading education functions, promotinginformatization, implementing international exchange, promoting lifelongeducation, and promoting university reform, etc. General subsidies drew225.6 billion yen from the FY2000 budget, while special subsidies absorbed81.5 billion, making up a total of 307.1 billion yen.R esearch performanceIt is difficult to demonstrate research performance through statistics, butthe number of Nobel prizes and Fields Medal laureates, research reportsand thesis citations are produced here as a reference. A total of 527 Nobelprizes have been presented for physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine,and economics, of which there have been three Japanese laureates inphysics, three in chemistry, and one in physiology and medicine, making a82

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