Ian Donald School Book 09.indb - World Association of Perinatal ...

Ian Donald School Book 09.indb - World Association of Perinatal ...

Ian Donald School Book 09.indb - World Association of Perinatal ...


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Chapter 4. WORLD IAN DONALD SCHOOL BRANCHES SpainPremis i Beques de la SocietatCatalana d´Obstetrícia i Ginecologia»,for the essay «Detection <strong>of</strong> themicrodeletion 22q11 throughfluorescent in situ hibridation:Identification <strong>of</strong> families with highrisk <strong>of</strong> recurrence, individual geneticadvice and antenatal diagnosis».– Scholarship for studies abroadawarded for the project «Foetal therapyand foetal echocardiography», givenby the «Comissió de Premis i Bequesde la Societat Catalana d’Obstetríciai Ginecologia de la Acadèmia deCiències Mèdiques de Catalunyai Balears», on May the 14 th 1999.– Qualification <strong>of</strong> Level I-IV in Obstetric-Gynecological Ultrasound. Sección deEcografía de la Sociedad Españolade Obstetricia y Ginecología (SEGO).– Certificate <strong>of</strong> Competence in FirstTrimester Scanning obtained in June1997 by the Foetal MedicineFoundation (Pr<strong>of</strong>. KYPROS NICOLAIDES).London.Current clinical, research andeducational interests/activities– High resolution obstetric ultrasound.– Invasive techniques for antenataldiagnosis.– Early screening<strong>of</strong> chromosomopathies.– Foetal echocardiography.– Genetic counselling.Publications– 124 papers.– Publication <strong>of</strong> 35 articles ininternational journals, 37 in nationaljournals and 52 collaborations forthe publication <strong>of</strong> scientific books.138

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